Sunday, May 31, 2009

Cartoon Humor, Father's Day Humor-Bull by the Horn’s

    I had another cartoon idea while thinking of father’s day card designs and thought I would share this one about a son watching his dad at work and cheering him on.

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Cartoon Humor, Father's Day Humor-Bull by the Horn’s

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Political Cartoon Humor, John Q Public on Taxation and Representation

    I did this cartoon as a result of a couple of clips I heard on the news. One was on Cap and trade and the cost of energy increases that will happen as a result of that type of action. A side thought I had is that there was once a not so small company from the past called Enron. I may have this wrong but it seems to me that they were in the business of trading energy and most people know how that all turned out. Anyway, the other little clip I heard while working on my drawings was the thought of having a national sales tax. I’m not sure if I heard it right or not but it sparked of John Q public in me. He just started spouting off all these things he is already taxed on as well as some things being discussed and wanted to share is views on what he feels all that taxation has gotten him thus far. He also wanted me to add “When are these yo-yo’s that we send to represent us going to learn?” Anyway, that’s enough out of him. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Political Cartoon Humor, John Q Public on Taxation and Representation

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Cartoon Humor, Father’s Day Humor-Bank Bailout Blues

    I came up with another installment of father’s day humor that may be more for the times. I’ve had to cut back on my son’s endless spending habits as well as my own and this cartoon is a result of that having to curb spending. I know, I know. The exercise of not continuing to live in a dream world of endless money and slobbering spending on plastic is not the current way our government is handling things and probably has knocked my “cool” rating down a couple of notches, but I have to do what I have to do. If I could print money and get away with it like our treasury or borrow money from a country like China….Oh sorry they are re-evaluating there lending practices, then maybe I could be “cool” again but I’m just not comfortable with that level of risk yet. Best wishes to all. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Cartoon Humor, Father’s Day Humor-Bank Bailout Blues

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cartoon Humor, Summer is here

    I did this drawing in celebration of summer. Swimming, shorts and fun all around although this guy looks a little old for the kiddy pool and flotation device. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Cartoon Humor, Summer is here

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Cartoon Humor, Working Stiff Files 003

    I did this funny clip of a cartoon thinking of an old boss. I’m not sure if everyone has had one of these but I had a boss that used to sit outside the office or around the corner listening and watching. I guess he had poor self-esteem, trying to catch comments about him or possibly he felt like we were not being productive enough. I’m not sure but it got to the point were I could almost feel the “evil eye” upon me waiting and watching for the opportunity to justify the activity of spying instead of being a productive member of the company. That's my take on the activity anyway. Enjoy the humor cartoon and have a great day.

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Cartoon Humor, Working Stiff Files 003

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Political Cartoon Humor, Democrats and Republicans, A lot like sibling rivalry

    I was watching or I should say listening to the news this past week and some of the press on Nancy accusing the intelligence community of lying or at a minimum constantly misleading. I know that is suppose “misleading” is suppose to be something other than “lying” but the words are synonymous in my dictionary. I did not hear much from the rest of the democrat pool so I assume that they feel the same as the speaker, not sure. Then the republican machine comes out and all but says that Nancy is lying by asking for an investigation of the matter which last I heard was shot down. It’s all very interesting in a political maneuvering sort of way but I think the bottom line is that we the public and our needs are falling out of sight with all of this sibling rivalry going on. Is 2010 the time to hit the reset button on our elected officials? I guess time will tell. That is some of the thought process that went into the creation of this cartoon. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Political Cartoon Humor, Democrats and Republicans, A lot like sibling rivalry

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Cartoon Humor, Dinosaur Advice

    I did this cartoon thinking it would be funny to see a Dinosaur giving advice on how to not look old. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Cartoon Humor, Dinosaur Advice

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cartoon Humor, Working stiff files (part 2)

    Here is another installment of the working stiff files. This one comes to us from a place I was about three years ago, a place that many people have been or are currently at today. Yes, the dreaded micro-manager…..the guy who can’t do the work themselves but knows exactly how, when and why you should do it. I always thought that was ironic in nature. I think back to a time when I was required to do be on a conference call on Christmas day to talk about some technical stats that I could not have any effect on that day because no one else but the management was working that day. Long story short I ended up in a place that my cell did not work and missed the call. Oddly enough, nothing ever happened as a result except the birth of this cartoon. Hope you enjoy it and have a great day.

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Cartoon Humor, Working stiff files (part 2)

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cartoon Humor, Meet Earl

    This is a character I like to call Earl. He is a real down home type of guy, the kind of dentally challenged guy who has a certain way about him. Social grace is something that he only uses when eating TV dinners with the TV off. I know this may come as a big surprise but he is an eligible bachelor in fact he has been his whole life. One might say that he is ripe for the pick-in. He shares a similar political tax and spends philosophy as the democrats often do with a little twist. He believes he can slurp and belch his way to prosperity. He might be right because he is the current belching champion in his county and plans on going national next year. I wish him well. Anyway, that’s Earl, hope you enjoyed meeting him and have a great day.

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Cartoon Humor, Meet Earl

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Cool Human Facts-2

    On average, a person has two million sweat glands.

    On average, Americans spend 33% of their life sleeping.

    On average a person passes gas 14 times a day.

    On average 1,668 gallons of water are used by each person in the United States daily.

    Nerve impulses for muscle position travel at a speed of up to 390 feet per second.

    Nerve cells can travel as fast as 120 meters per second.

    Mummy powder was once thought to be a cure for all remedies. English men used to carry the powder with them in a tiny bag wherever they went.

    Men in their early twenties shave an average of four times a week.

    Medical research has found substances in mistletoe that can slow down tumor growth.

    Medical reports show that about 18% of the population are prone to sleepwalking.

    Manicuring the nails has been done by people for more than 4,000 years.

    Left-handed people are better at sports that require good spatial judgment and fast reaction, compared to right-handed individuals.

    Ironically, when doctors in Los Angeles, California went on strike in 1976, the daily number of deaths in the city dropped 18%.

    In the United States, 8.5 million cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures were done in the year 2001.

    People with darker skin will not wrinkle as fast as people with lighter skin.

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Cool Human Facts-2

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Political Cartoon Humor, Speaker Pelosi….I shall not tell a lie.

    I happen to be watching the day that Speaker Pelosi gave her very interesting press conference. I have no idea weather she was telling the truth or not the only thing I could surmise as she stumbled and bumble through it was that she was extremely nervous about something. I have only seen her in a couple of other press type situations and thought she was a confident speaker but I have not a clue what happened last week. It did seem out of character for her. Anyway, since it seems to be “in” to say that people are misleading people all the time on Capitol Hill and the out of character performance by Speaker Pelosi I did this cartoon. Sometimes I wonder if this stuff will ever stop…..probably not but I still wonder. I guess on a selfish note, given that I enjoy doing cartoons like this, I should just be thankful that it does. Hope you enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Political Cartoon Humor, Speaker Pelosi….I shall not tell a lie.

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cartoon Humor, Fathers Day Humor-Dad Ratings

    I was thinking about Father’s Day and some of the more memorable Father’s Days I have had in the past. This cartoon is based on one of those days from the past that struck me as funny. I think most dad’s out there have had something at least similar happen to them. Enjoy my cartoon humor and have a great day.

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Cartoon Humor, Fathers Day Humor-Dad Ratings

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cartoon Humor, Meet Sir Slice-a-lot

    Meet Sir Slice-a-lot, he is a noble land owner in the high country of Scotland with a passion for the game of golf. The only problem is the game does not seem to have a passion for him. After several private lessons with the best swing coaches that money could buy, he has not been able to loose his horrendous slice. Instead of spending his fortune on more coaching he has accepted the title of King of the Slice an honor only bestowed on the most atrocious masters of the slice. If you see him he will be holding his head up high as anyone of Noble blood should and look down his nose at you as if you were a peasant not worthy of a round with him but fear not, soon house tiles will break and the loud call of “FOUR” will erupt from the course ahead and you will know that at least in the game of golf you are the noble and he the peasant. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Cartoon Humor, Meet Sir Slice-a-lot

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cartoon Humor, Working Stiff Files

    Hello everyone, hope all is well with everyone. This is a concept I had been thinking about trying for some time now. Pretty simple really, just a single panel comic about funny thoughts on the subject of work and the working stiff or regular person out there going to work every day to just get by and live life. This is the first installment I came up with for a personal experience, not literally but a thought I had when I received the news that I was terminated. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Cartoon Humor, Working Stiff Files

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Cartoon Humor, Shank-o-potamus

    I did another version of this some time ago and decided to put in a little more time on it. My favorite commercial right now is the series with the babies talking about e-trade but the best one is the golfing one in my opinion where the kid calls the guy a Shank-o-potamus.....I laugh every time I think about it. That is what gave me the idea for this. It also gave me an idea for another one called Sir-slice-alot which I am working on. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Cartoon Humor, Shank-o-potamus

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Cartoon Humor, Best Friends Forever

    I did this cartoon design for the heck of it. I was thinking of the term BFF or Best Friends Forever and this is what came to mind for some reason. I was also thinking about a line in a movie. I think it was Bill Murray in “Ghostbusters” when he said “Dogs and Cat’s living together……mass hysteria.” Anyway, that’s where this cartoon illustration came from, enjoy and have a great day.

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Cartoon Humor, Best Friends Forever

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Cool Human Facts

    The Gastric Flu can cause projectile vomiting.

    The Dutch people are known to be the tallest people in Europe.

    Studies have shown that the scent of Rosemary can help in better mental performance and make individuals feel more alert.

    Some brands of toothpaste contain glycerin or glycerol, which is also an ingredient in antifreeze.

    Soaking beans for twelve hours in water before they are cooked can reduce flatulence caused by beans.

    Scientists say that babies that are breastfed are more likely to be slimmer as adults than those that are not breastfed.

    Scientists have determined that having guilty feelings may actually damage your immune system

    Research has indicated that approximately eleven minutes are cut off the life of an average male smoker from each cigarette smoked.

    People have the tendency to chew the food on the side that they most often use their hand.

    Over 600,000 people died as a result of the Spanish influenza epidemic.

    Only one out of every three people wash their hands when leaving a public bathroom.

    One ragweed plant can release as many as a million grains of pollen in one day.

    One out of 20 people have an extra rib.

    One average, men spend 60 hours a year shaving.

    On average, falling asleep while driving results in 550 accidents per day in the United States.

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Cool Human Facts

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

High Resolution Christmas Wallpapers

    Christmas is the most celebrated festival in the World when people are busy in christmas gifts shopping, decorations, parties, get-together and other activities. Why don't let your desktop or laptop participate in the christmas holidays. Give them new snowy look of winter season by setting these high resolution christmas wallpapers available in various sizes of 1024 x 768, 1280 x 800, 1600 x 1200, 1280 x 1024 and many more.
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High Resolution Christmas Wallpapers

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Political Cartoon Humor, The Director of Homeland Security Weighs In

    I had the idea for this cartoon after listening to all the news surrounding the office of Homeland Security and the intelligence community in general. I thought back to when Janet Napolitano threw out the word terrorism and replaced it with Man made Disasters or something along those lines as well as a couple other softer, kinder, gentler terms for the war on terror. It is interesting to watch as the exercise of being politically correct or whatever trying to change terms and words is, take place and the responses that follow. I am sure that there is some point to it but it escapes me personally but I will say that it is entertaining on a certain level. I did this cartoon with that in mind as well as the recent release of the criteria that was allegedly released then not released as to how law enforcement can determine if someone might be a possible domestic terrorist….oooops, I mean, “Someone living in the United States who could possibly be responsible for a Man Made Disaster.” Wow….I lost my kind and gentle politically correct side there for a second. Good thing I caught myself, someone might have taken offense….ha…ha. Anyway, that’s kind of where this Political humor cartoon comes from. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Political Cartoon Humor, The Director of Homeland Security Weighs In

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Fun Cockroach Facts

    Scientists have actually performed brain surgery on cockroaches.

    German cockroaches can survive for up to one month without food and two weeks without water.

    A cockroach can change directions up to 25 times in a second.

    If a cockroach breaks a leg it can grow another one.

    The earliest fossil cockroach is about 280 million years old – 80 million years older than the first dinosaurs!

    Cockroach can live up to nine days without its head.

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Fun Cockroach Facts

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cartoon Humor, Cattitude

    A cartoon illustration of a cat having his way in the house and letting you know that he is perfectly ok with it and you should be ok with it too. Cattitude, a general independent confidence that is shared among the cat population that borders on“Go away, ya bother me” arrogance.

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Cartoon Humor, Cattitude

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cartoon Humor, Meet Boondoggle

    Meet Boondoggle, a puppy who has spent his day’s around the fishing hole playing with frogs and cows. He moved to the big city for a while but has come to realize his simple fun loving nature led him to realize that his place is in a more rural setting like a ranch or a farm. He is happy to be back in that setting and hopes you are happy in your setting.

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Cartoon Humor, Meet Boondoggle

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Monday, May 4, 2009

Cartoon Humor, Founder of the Tortoise Elite

    This picture of the founder of the Tortoise Elite was found in an attic in Mississippi. The Tortoise Elite was a group formed in 1929 during the depression in an attempt to pool recourses and promote common ideology of the tortoise community. The group’s most memorable mission was to get people to just “Relax” during a time when stress and fear of the future was the common message being conveyed by the government and media outlets of their time. This common message of “Relax” push forward and things will get better served the Tortoise community well during difficult times and enabled them to be in a position of strength when things turned around. This picture being found has given the Tortoise community a renewed sense of who they are and the principles that gave them many years of growth and prosperity. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Cartoon Humor, Founder of the Tortoise Elite

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Saturday, May 2, 2009

America does not torture, but does the medical field follow the same rules?

    I was thinking about all the testing that has been developed in order to promote better health through early detection. Getting poked and prodded in order to maintain a longer life span. I wonder if any of the tests would be considered torture under the current administrations definition of “torture”. If so would it be illegal to perform said tests in order to gain intelligence on future attacks to my body. Just a thought, enjoy and have a great day.

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America does not torture, but does the medical field follow the same rules?

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Cartoon Humor, Grim Psychology

    Meet Lenny or as he likes to be known as “Leonard”. He is a Capricorn and enjoys Classical Music. Lately, after much self reflection he has discovered that people’s general fear of him has caused him to have a very poor self image of himself. The good news is that he has taken steps to work harder on being more social to try and dispel this general public fear of him. He is sure that his view that the person inside all of us is not defined by the job we do to make ends meat is critical in this new mission to make friends and a more healthy social life. If you see him out and about, say “Hi”. He is really just a glorified bus driver for souls looking for a home. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Cartoon Humor, Grim Psychology

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Cool Animal Facts

    The chameleon has a tongue that is 1.5 times the length of its body!

    Squirrels can't remember where they hide half of their nuts.

    Only male crickets can chirp.

    A rabbit's teeth never stop growing.

    Alligators cannot move backwards.

    Texas horned toads can shoot blood out of the corners of their eyes.

    The faster kangaroos hop, the less energy they use.

    An okapi's tongue can grow to be 17 inches long.
    An owl's eyes are bigger than its brain.

    Salamanders breath through their skin.

    The guanaco of South America, a cousin of the camel, has pads on its feet to keep its feet from burning on desert sand or freezing in mountain snow.

    Foxes sometimes nip at the heals of cattle so the stomping of the cattle makes mice and other rodents come out of the ground, for the fox to eat.

    Salamanders are known to come out of wood when it was burning inside a fireplace, this is because Salamanders hibernate in wood.

    Whether an alligator is a male or female is determined by the temperature of the nest where the egg is hatched – 90 to 93 degrees will make it a male; 82 to 86 degrees will turn it into a female.

    Some animals produce their own lights, called bioluminescence. The Brazilian railroad worm has a red light on its head and green lights down its side. All it needs to drive on the street is a turn signal.

    You may have heard someone say, "It’s raining cats and dogs." There have been actual documented cases from all over the world of fish, frogs, dead birds, snakes, snails, beetles, worms and jellyfish raining down from the sky in great numbers, but no reports of showers of cats or dogs.

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Cool Animal Facts

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