Thursday, May 28, 2009

Political Cartoon Humor, John Q Public on Taxation and Representation

    I did this cartoon as a result of a couple of clips I heard on the news. One was on Cap and trade and the cost of energy increases that will happen as a result of that type of action. A side thought I had is that there was once a not so small company from the past called Enron. I may have this wrong but it seems to me that they were in the business of trading energy and most people know how that all turned out. Anyway, the other little clip I heard while working on my drawings was the thought of having a national sales tax. I’m not sure if I heard it right or not but it sparked of John Q public in me. He just started spouting off all these things he is already taxed on as well as some things being discussed and wanted to share is views on what he feels all that taxation has gotten him thus far. He also wanted me to add “When are these yo-yo’s that we send to represent us going to learn?” Anyway, that’s enough out of him. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Political Cartoon Humor, John Q Public on Taxation and Representation

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