Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Writers Helping Japan

    Good morning, all :)

    I've been seeing these posts all over the blogosphere and it just warms my heart that so many writers out there are doing what they can to help Japan. I have added a new page to my blog (up above) with links to the writer-run sites that I know of that are holding auctions or other fundraisers to help. If you know of any others, please let me know in the comments and I'll add them to the list :)

    For my part, I've donated a signed copy of my book, Homework Helpers: Essays and Term Papers, along with a swag pack that includes a T-shirt, a mousepad, a calendar magnet, custom pens, and bookmarks, to the wonderful writers over at Write Hope. If you'd like to bid on my item (I'll ship internationally!), here is the link.

    There are tons of other fabulous items, including signed books, pre-orders, and critiques, up for auction, so head on over to Write Hope or any of the other sites and check it out! :D Also, check out Liza's comment below - she has a link for a fundraiser that ends today. Thanks Liza!

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Writers Helping Japan

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