Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog Chain - It's All About Me ;-)

    My turn on the blog chain today and the hilarious Cole wants to know:

    How about you? What hobbies, tips, or techniques do you have for 
    keeping your writerly battery charged? 

    Ahhh such an awesome question. Writing is a tough job. There are lots of highs and lows and many, many hours of just plain hard work. It's easy to get burned out. It's easy to get bummed when someone else seems to be more successful than you. It's easy to get overwhelmed with blogs, and tweets, and Facebook posts, and on and on and on.

    So, when I get too bogged down in it all, I stop. I stay away from my computer. I get outside and breathe real, fresh air. I watch movies (mostly comedies because nothing makes me feel better than a good laugh) and read books and maybe write, but I stay away from the internet. Aside from emails and posting on my own blog.

    I think it's good to just take a step back and refocus. Get back in tune with what is really important to me. Remember my goals, remember my successes. Basically, I go totally self-centered and just focus on ME ME ME. :)

    It's good to do that every now and then.

    How about you? What do you do to recharge?

    Be sure to stop by Eric's to see his awesome Irish Hobby Song response from yesterday, and make sure to hit Margie's tomorrow to see how she handles the writer blues. To start at the beginning of the chain, don't miss Cole's hilarious break up letter with the internet :D

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Blog Chain - It's All About Me ;-)

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