Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chip Off the Ol' Quill

    My husband and I had a meeting with my kids' teachers yesterday and one of them said something about my son that just had me giddy with proud-mama glee.

    She said that she had posted a picture of a fish in the ocean and told the class to write about it, describing what they see in the picture. (This is a first grade reading class, my son is 7). She said my son wrote "I am a fish." And then described the picture from the point of view of a fish.

    How awesome is that!? His teacher said she was very impressed with that (so was I!) that he would think of something like that.

    I'm already envisioning all the books he'll be writing some day LOL He actually does like to write books. He'll sit next to me while I'm working and write and illustrate his own little book. Just like his mama :)

    It made me think about my family...whether or not I got the writing bug from anyone along the family tree. I know my great-grandmother wrote poetry - I have a book of it on one of my shelves. And my grandmother also writes poetry and is an amazing artist. My mother was always an avid reader - I grew up raiding her bookshelves.

    What about you? Are you the chip off of anyone's writing block? Are any of your kids following in your footsteps? Or are you the first in your family to develop our strange and wonderful "disease"? :)

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Chip Off the Ol' Quill

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