Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Funny Christmas Cartoons: Pitched Roofs

    This cartoon came as a result of thinking about Santa and Christmas in general. I was thinking about what a tough gig it must be to get everything together and out the door in one night. I’m sure he has tons of help with it but then there is the rush in one night and the havoc that must create. I know that when I get in a rush to do something there has been times when I wasn’t always completely aware of my surroundings and possible hazards. I was thinking that it must be kind of the same for the jolly big guy on the night. I thought this might be one of the things that could happen if you are not watching your footing while bouncing around on the top of an icy snow filled roof. I know only because I used to work on roofs from time to time and when you are focused on the work at hand it is easy to forget you’re a little higher in the air than normal. Anyway that is how this cartoon came to life. Enjoy and have a safe and happy holiday season.

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Funny Christmas Cartoons: Pitched Roofs

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