Thursday, December 17, 2009

Funny Best Friends Forever Cartoons: The Walrus and Penguin

    I did this cartoon as a result of thinking about what animals typically do not have any relationship together, I read somewhere a while back that The Walrus lives in the Cold Arctic Seas along with the Polar Bear in the Northern Hemisphere and that Penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere and would therefore never meet. I started to wonder if the two would get along if they had the chance to meet in the wild and came to the determination that they would most likely be the best of friends, at least in my little world they would. How would it happen though well what happened in my little world is that the Walrus who started the journey south on a large iceberg made his way down to the southern hemisphere fishing along the way and taking in the sites and sounds. By the time he reached the southern hemisphere the iceberg had shrunk to a piece of ice the size of a life raft. He was joined by his buddy the Penguin where they continued the journey. This picture was taken twenty miles west of the Baja Peninsula on their way to Hawaii were they intend to enjoy the beach and possibly a little body surfing. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Funny Best Friends Forever Cartoons: The Walrus and Penguin

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