Saturday, December 12, 2009

Funny CO2 Pollutant Cartoons: Breaking News

    I was reading about the EPA’s decision to formally declare CO2 as a pollutant. It was a pretty interesting read. It basically said that the automobile industry would most likely be affected first in the event that the EPA felt it needed to regulate CO2 emissions further but that a wider rage of the economy could be affected if necessary. I started thinking about my old science classes and the knowledge that plant life takes in CO2 and emits a natural source of oxygen among other things. I wondered if we do start to tinker around with Mother Nature too much, could we get it wrong and would the trees get ticked off about it? What would they do? I thought would their reaction make the evening news? It would and did in my little world and here is the result. Enjoy the cartoon and as always have a great day.

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Funny CO2 Pollutant Cartoons: Breaking News

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