Thursday, December 31, 2009

Political Cartoons: New Year’s Resolutions

    I did this one as a result of this being new years and the thought that everyone does the whole resolution thing. You know what I mean….”this year is the year I stop eating junk food”….”this year I’m going to stop smoking”….”this year I’m going to loose x amount of pounds and get healthy”. For those of you who have said these types of things and followed through…..I salute you, I have not found that fountain of willpower quite yet but I have not given up… yes I have made my list of things I would like to change this year and currently have every intention of taking actions to make them happen. I was wondering if those in Washington do some of the same things with their jobs. Like “this year I resolve to be less corrupt than last year”, I use “less” because lets face it….if someone decided to be completely uncorrupt they probably would not be re-elected or at a minimum not get anything done for the people they represent. That’s seems to be the way it is…..has been….and possibly will always be. The phrase, “Don’t hate the player…hate the game”, comes to mind. Anyway, the cartoon comes as a result of this line of thinking. Enjoy and have a safe and happy new year.

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Political Cartoons: New Year’s Resolutions

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year’s Cartoon: Dine and Dash

    I did something like this cartoon last year in fact I took a look at it and the caption referred to the old year leaving the baby new year with a big bill. I decided to do this one without the years attached to their banners because it occurred to me that over the decades the argument can be made that no matter who is in the white house or the congress, one thing has remained constant. Spending…..spending and more spending. The only thing that has not remained constant is the amounts. That trend has definitely been on the upward trend. I wonder how long it will go on. What will my kids…… lives be like? Anyway, I redid the cartoon without the years in place because based on history the future will most likely result in more of the same….at least that is where I would place my bet. Enjoy the cartoon and the New Year. I hope everyone has a happy and safe New Year’s.

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New Year’s Cartoon: Dine and Dash

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Funny Polar Bear Cartoons: Start the Grill

    I got the idea for this funny Polar Bear Cartoon as I was drawing the Nature vs. Nurture cartoon I posted previously and because of a commercial I saw oddly enough, as I was drawing that cartoon. I say oddly enough because my ideas seem to come from different stimuli that I see and hear during my sleep hours as well as my hours awake. I do believe it is a noble thing to help the wildlife that needs help weather or not you believe that need arises as a result of or actions or not and in no way am I saying it should not be done. I just tend to look at things in a rather sarcastic way and for some reason I still can’t help thinking about the relationship between wildlife and humans as one that is and will in many cases always be one way. It is that belief that continues to give me these goofy ideas about things that may or may not happen as a result of that relationship in the context of a non-realistic cartoon world. This cartoon is one of those things that just pop into my head as a result of that thought process. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Funny Polar Bear Cartoons: Start the Grill

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Funny golf cartoons: Hackers Club of Choice

    A funny golf cartoon with a cartoon image of a grown man who is a hacker and proudly displaying his telescopic golf ball retriever, an essential club in any hacker’s bag. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Funny golf cartoons: Hackers Club of Choice

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Funny golf cartoons: Putt-Putt Golf

    A funny golf cartoon about a guy who thinks he has conquered the dreaded game of putt putt golf and is bragging about his victory even though he does not fully understand the meaning of the miniature golf award he hold in his hand. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Funny golf cartoons: Putt-Putt Golf

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Funny Christmas Animation: Santa's moon shot Merry Christmas

    I was goofing around early this morning trying to do simple animations and came up with  this and just thought I would share. Hope everyone enjoys it and has a great Christmas Eve Day and a very Merry Christmas. My best to all.
    christmas,santa,mooning,merry christmas animation,santa animation,mooning santa animation,funny animation,santa cartoon animation

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Funny Christmas Animation: Santa's moon shot Merry Christmas

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Funny Work Cartoons: Monday’s Suck

    A funny work related cartoon about Monday’s. Many people have to endure the whole “Beginning of the week routine” and this cartoon was made to help people get through that awful affliction with humor. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Funny Work Cartoons: Monday’s Suck

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Funny Coffee Mugs: Stupid people give me the willies

    A funny cartoon coffee mug based on a cranky cartoon character of an old man who has a certain view of the world around him. Everyone has someone like this in there family or knows or has known someone like this in their lifetime. The opposite side of the mug can be customized with whatever you would like. The text “Back the heck off!” comes to my mind so have fun with it and get one for the special “cranky” someone in your life.

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Funny Coffee Mugs: Stupid people give me the willies

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Funny Best Friends Forever Cards: The Walrus and Penguin

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Funny Best Friends Forever Cards: The Walrus and Penguin

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Funny Christmas Cartoons: Carbon Footprint

    I always giggle inside when I hear the term carbon footprint…..I really don’t know why….it just sounds funny too me. I did this cartoon as a result of some little news clip about how much of a carbon footprint was created in Copenhagen this past week for the meeting of the minds. Again, it made me laugh, the phrase carbon footprint that is. Anyway, the news clip went on about limos, jets, fuel, food and a bunch of other stuff and actually gave a number on the size of the carbon footprint. I thought it was comical that the media when they are in criticize mode find someone who is able to come up with this amazingly accurate number for a carbon footprint but will be there the very next day saying that it is impossible to measure that type of thing…ah…yea…. you got to love it …..the insanity of it all that is. So…..since it tis the season…I was wondering what the carbon footprint of Santa’s chosen mode of transportation might be and since Al Gore is kind of the poster boy for this subject…I thought I would throw him in there as well. Enjoy the cartoon and have a very safe and Happy Holiday.

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Funny Christmas Cartoons: Carbon Footprint

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Funny Polar Bear Cartoons: Nature vs. Nurture

    This cartoon idea came as a result of coming across an article about whether or not polar bears where becoming extinct due to climate change. According to the article they are not endangered yet but depending on future years I guess it could go either way. Anyway, I got to thinking about how these researches must have to gather their data. I guess they have to tag them or something and if they do not tag them what do they do? Take a Polar Bear census. Could you imagine that conversation, “Hello Mr. Polar Bear… many bears in your den?” Polar Bears tend to be 8 to 10 ft tall and pretty heavy so I figure they probably eat quite a bit of food. I got to wondering if someone has ever been attacked by one of them…..would one of us be enough to fill him up or would they find us tasty at all. Don’t ask me why I think these things…..probably has something to do with too much T.V. as a kid. I thought about who would be the most likely victim of a Polar Bear attack and came up with two possibilities….it would either be an environmentalist up in the Arctic checking things out or one of these scientist who are monitoring the Bear populations. Well….as you can see from the cartoon…I decided on the environmentalist for this one. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Funny Polar Bear Cartoons: Nature vs. Nurture

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Funny Best Friends Forever Cartoons: The Walrus and Penguin

    I did this cartoon as a result of thinking about what animals typically do not have any relationship together, I read somewhere a while back that The Walrus lives in the Cold Arctic Seas along with the Polar Bear in the Northern Hemisphere and that Penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere and would therefore never meet. I started to wonder if the two would get along if they had the chance to meet in the wild and came to the determination that they would most likely be the best of friends, at least in my little world they would. How would it happen though well what happened in my little world is that the Walrus who started the journey south on a large iceberg made his way down to the southern hemisphere fishing along the way and taking in the sites and sounds. By the time he reached the southern hemisphere the iceberg had shrunk to a piece of ice the size of a life raft. He was joined by his buddy the Penguin where they continued the journey. This picture was taken twenty miles west of the Baja Peninsula on their way to Hawaii were they intend to enjoy the beach and possibly a little body surfing. Enjoy and have a great day.

    Best Friends Forever Coffee Mugs

    Best Friends Forever T-shirts

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Funny Best Friends Forever Cartoons: The Walrus and Penguin

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Funny Turtle Cartoon: Working Smart not Hard

    I did this little drawing today while thinking about the tortoise and the hair story and how the tortoise was consistent in his running of the race and thought what else could he have done? This is one of the complete ideas I came up with and applied it to a t-shirt, coffee mug and a couple of other things. Enjoy and have a great day.

    Funny Coffee Mugs

    Funny T-shirts

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Funny Turtle Cartoon: Working Smart not Hard

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Funny Christmas Cartoons: Pitched Roofs

    This cartoon came as a result of thinking about Santa and Christmas in general. I was thinking about what a tough gig it must be to get everything together and out the door in one night. I’m sure he has tons of help with it but then there is the rush in one night and the havoc that must create. I know that when I get in a rush to do something there has been times when I wasn’t always completely aware of my surroundings and possible hazards. I was thinking that it must be kind of the same for the jolly big guy on the night. I thought this might be one of the things that could happen if you are not watching your footing while bouncing around on the top of an icy snow filled roof. I know only because I used to work on roofs from time to time and when you are focused on the work at hand it is easy to forget you’re a little higher in the air than normal. Anyway that is how this cartoon came to life. Enjoy and have a safe and happy holiday season.

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Funny Christmas Cartoons: Pitched Roofs

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funny advertisments

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funny advertisments

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Anti Big Government Cartoon: Upside-Down World

    “When George Washington threw the dollar across the Rappahannock River, he didn't realize he was establishing a precedent for government spending.”

    -Harold Coffin, "The San Francisco Examiner"

    I did this cartoon as a result of a conversation with someone where the basic result was that in a lot of ways the world seems upside down right now. Lot’s of things going on and to some, things seem a little over the top or out of hand weather it be the spending spree or current and past administrations have been on or the term “to big to fail”, “spend our way out of debt” or just a general feeling in the gut that something is not right and a finger can’t be placed on it. Anyway, I did this little guy as a result of that conversation and thought I would through him up on the Blog as a representative for smaller government. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Anti Big Government Cartoon: Upside-Down World

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Monday, December 14, 2009


    emo girl
    It’s raw and refined, emotional and apathetic, simple yet elegant.

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Funny CO2 Pollutant Cartoons: The Break-up

    This cartoon came as a result of reading about the EPA’s decision to formally declare CO2 as a pollutant. The article talks a little about the why know and the convenient timing of the meetings in Copenhagen which according to Lisa Jackson, head of the EPA, has little to do with the decision and more to do with getting things going. Whatever, maybe it did or maybe it didn’t but the article goes on to talk about who might be affected if the congress does not act on climate change legislation quick enough and the EPA is forced to start regulating CO2 emissions under the umbrella of the Clean air Act. It made reference that the auto industry would be the first to obviously be affected should the EPA decide to act. The article also says that the EPA is not really interested in regulating to the point of hurting the economy. This got me thinking about poor little carbon dioxide….all the negative press. It has got to be affecting its self esteem I would think and what of its relationship with oxygen….Is it strained? How’s are things going on an atomic level. This thought process is how this cartoon came to life. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Funny CO2 Pollutant Cartoons: The Break-up

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Funny CO2 Pollutant Cartoons: Breaking News

    I was reading about the EPA’s decision to formally declare CO2 as a pollutant. It was a pretty interesting read. It basically said that the automobile industry would most likely be affected first in the event that the EPA felt it needed to regulate CO2 emissions further but that a wider rage of the economy could be affected if necessary. I started thinking about my old science classes and the knowledge that plant life takes in CO2 and emits a natural source of oxygen among other things. I wondered if we do start to tinker around with Mother Nature too much, could we get it wrong and would the trees get ticked off about it? What would they do? I thought would their reaction make the evening news? It would and did in my little world and here is the result. Enjoy the cartoon and as always have a great day.

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Funny CO2 Pollutant Cartoons: Breaking News

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Blog Chain - Once Upon a Time, My Writing Was A Crime

    Okay, this round was hard for me :) Shaun started us off and wanted to know:

    What is the silliest thing from a book or short story you've written, and why? It can be a line or a paragraph or a whole page. Anything that you look back at and go, "Say what?"

    Now, I thought this would be easy because I've written a LOT of really bad stuff in my time. But once I started digging for it, I realized that I didn't save most of my really bad stuff. I had written in on scrap pieces of paper and old diaries, etc....stuff that I either didn't save or has gotten lost over the years. 

    I did find a piece I wrote for a creative non-fiction class I took in grad school, where I was having a conversation with myself about being a writer. That made me shudder a bit. But it's also 3 pages long, so I won't torture you with it :D 

    And I wrote a poem once, that I thought was really sad and touching, about a woman who either lost a husband or a baby, and I named the lost loved one Dean, because it rhymed with whatever the line before it was. I gave it to my sister, thinking she'd be in tears after she read it. Instead, she was pretty much going into convulsions on the floor, she was laughing so hard. All because I named him Dean :D

    But I can't find that'll post this one for you. It's not the worst thing I've ever written, though it certainly isn't the best. But I think it's fairly atrocious and had me chuckling when I read it again, you go :) It's a piece (for the same creative non-fiction class) where we had to write about something we owned, from that object's perspective :)

    I am so full I’m nearly bursting. I’m in desperate need of a purge; but that will never happen. My owner holds on to everything. I’m an imitation Louis Vitton. But don’t let the “imitation” fool you. I’m nice and roomy. I have suede on the inside and I come all the way from New York. Of course her mom had to buy me because she would never buy a purse for herself. She likes to use the diaper bag. But I have just as much room for all the crap she stuffs me with.

    You’d be amazed at what she crams me full of. I mean, who needs WalMart receipts from 1998? There are contact lenses (which she has worn exactly once), a hairbrush (why I don’t know because I don’t think she ever brushes her hair), two pens, a spare binkie for each of her kids (o.k. those might be necessary), infant finger nail clippers, a tube of her son’s toothpaste (who knows why that is in there; I’m in constant terror it will leak), a pack of double A batteries (again, I have no idea why those are there), a couple of hair ties, a doctor’s bill for her daughter (it’ll never get paid hidden away in me), some Weight Watcher’s information booklets (maybe she’ll actually lose a few pounds this time), two packs of gum (Extra – in watermelon for when she wants her mouth busy and Polar Ice for when she’s not so fresh; and believe me she needs it), and her wallet. Usually there are also a couple of diapers and a pack of wipes.

    Her husband is looking over her shoulder as she digs through me.

    “Did you steal those batteries?” he asked.
    “Yeah I did. Don’t tell,” she answers.
    “Why do you have Connor’s toothpaste?”
    “I don’t know. Probably because it was in my hand, I wanted to put it away, and my purse was the nearest available spot to drop it.”

    I can tell he is confused. I’ve seen his wallet. Nice. Great leather. Smells good. His wallet contains the necessities and little else. Although she teases him because he also has a few expired cards and several years worth of expired hunting licenses.

    “Why don’t you throw those away?” she asks.
    He just looks at her like she’s asked him to cut off an arm and walks away.

    Her wallet matches me and is large, overstuffed, and irreplaceable. It contains the usual checkbook and pen. There is a picture of my owner and her husband, when she was skinny and cute. There are pictures of both of her kids at various ages, and a picture of her teenage step-kids with her son when he was three months old. Her driver’s license is one of those temporary paper things. We just moved and the “real” one hasn’t come yet. She thought the camera had already taken the picture so she stopped smiling and made some weird face. She is so embarrassing. There is also exactly $2.63. Wow, I feel rich. I’d like to carry some real money someday.

    She went through the cards the other day. I’ve decided she has a problem letting go of things. There is an expired Costco card, a debit card to a bank account that no longer exists, a Qwest Visa gift card with about $0.47 on it, Blockbuster membership cards (two of them), the current debit card, her current library card, and the cards for the last two libraries we’ve lived near. Her reasoning for holding on to those? What if she is in one of those cities for some reason and needs to go to the library? I have to agree with her there. In one of the zipper compartments is a copy of the obituary for one of her high school friends. He was shot in a bad drug deal a few years after high school. I’d forgotten that was in there. How sad.

    Oh, here she comes. Maybe she’ll unload some of this stuff. The toothpaste, take the toothpaste! Oh, just the chap stick. Well, her lips are awful chapped. She’s talking to herself again. Poor thing, I think she’s losing it.

    “I know I should clean you out, but I know that as soon as I get rid of something, I’m going to need it. I’d better just leave everything where it is.”

    You’ve gotta love her.

    Annnnd there you have it :) I am the last link in this chain, so be sure to check out Bonny's post before mine if you haven't yet. And if you'd like to follow the chain from the beginning, go to Shaun's post Here :)

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Blog Chain - Once Upon a Time, My Writing Was A Crime

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Funny Cartoon Cat: Scat

    This is a character that I came up with kind of by accident. Just goofing around sketching different things when he emerged on the page. I’m not a big cat lover but they always seem to find their way into my sketching. Weird…..oh well, I decided to name him Scat. Really creative of me right. He’s a cat and I was sketching. Ha…ha… I ended up using him on a Birthday Card and a Coffee mug. Enjoy and have a great day.

    Funny Birthday Cards

    Funny Cartoon Mugs

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Funny Cartoon Cat: Scat

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Funny Climate Change Cartoons: Seasons Change

    This cartoon was a result of a conversation I had with someone. It has been a little cold and rainy for a couple of days and while I was working my real job, a customer and I where discussing the weather and they said that they missed the change of seasons that happened when they lived in the mid-west. The changing of the leaves in fall was the biggest reason for this persons liking of the change of seasons. The cartoon idea came when this customer spoke about having to move to a warmer climate due to the climate changes and how they affected them health wise. The words “climate change” ,due to it’s prevalence in the news this week, and “change of seasons” bounced around in the back of my head for a while and this is what ended up as the result. As always, enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Funny Climate Change Cartoons: Seasons Change

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Funny Climate Change Cartoons: Climatology Math

    I got the idea for this cartoon as a result of all the buzz about “Climate Gate”. How funny, there goes that sensationalism again. Anyway, I thought about all the allegations over these e-mails and the multiple requests for information from these clowns across the pond and thought there must be some truth to it only because of this one simple thing. If climate change or global warming is happening at such an alarming rate, why the secrecy, why would there be a problem with giving up or showing any data that supports this theory. I just don’t get it. It seems so simple to me but that’s just me. Not giving it up just gives the opposition more fuel in my opinion. I then started to venture down the path of the opposition. How did these “scientists” get to the point where they thought it would be a good idea to risk their credibility if that is indeed the case? Where and why would they learn such poor habits? This cartoon is just a visual on that thought process. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Funny Climate Change Cartoons: Climatology Math

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I Think It's Cold Out Here....

    Hmmm, can you guess what I woke up to this morning? :D


    I was hoping it would hold off another week until we got to PA, but *sigh* such is not my luck :)

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I Think It's Cold Out Here....

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Funny Christmas Cartoons: Guard Dog on Duty

    I had this funny Christmas cartoon idea as a result of thinking about dogs in general and how they thought about the whole Christmas holiday thing. This cartoon came as a result of that thought and the recent party crashing incident at the White House. You might ask what those two things have to do with each other. Nothing on the surface but some of the media has been reporting it as a “break-in” and I think that is kind of silly. When I think of a “break-in”, I think robbery, theft, bypassing alarms and things like that. Not walking through the front door like you lived there or something. Don’t get me wrong, what those two did, if indeed they did “party crash” a State dinner is possibly one of the least intelligent things I have seen this year so far but “break-in”?, come on media, the sensationalism is getting a little old. Anyway, it was the phrase “break-in” that got me thinking “What would a dog think or do when Santa came down the chimney? That is how this goofy Christmas cartoon clip came to life. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Funny Christmas Cartoons: Guard Dog on Duty

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funny fat pics

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funny fat pics

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Friday, December 4, 2009


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Friday Funnies

    Never lend books, for no one ever returns them. The only books I have in my library are books that other folks have leant me. 
    ~ Anatole France

    I was reading a book...'the history of glue' - I couldn't put it down. 
    ~ Tim Vine

    I cringe when critics say I'm a master of the popular novel. What's an unpopular novel?
    ~ Irwin Shaw

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Friday Funnies

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Christmas Ornaments Desktop Wallpapers

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Christmas Ornaments Desktop Wallpapers

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3d Christmas Desktop Wallpaper, 3d Christmas Pictures

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3d Christmas Desktop Wallpaper, 3d Christmas Pictures

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Funny Christmas Cartoons: Twilight gift for Christmas

    I had the idea for this cartoon comes from a combination of things. One is, for those of you who saw my last entry about the construction worker I had sketched that was haunting me. The second was a couple of commercials that I saw on the topic of team Edward and Team Jacob as well as it being the Christmas season and without being specific about your Christmas wish list, you kind of have to be ok with the fact that you get what you get for the most part. On the subject of the whole “Twilight” thing, I have a couple of friends who are both male that have seen the movie with their families and said that it was kind of a chic-flick, at least to them. I have to say that based on the trailers I have seen, if I had the time I would give it a look not to mention the story behind the author. I think it is one of those positive “you can succeed if you want to” stories. Anyway, the cartoon came from all this stimuli bouncing around in the cartoon factory. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Funny Christmas Cartoons: Twilight gift for Christmas

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Twilight Book Contest!

    Coolest Contest Ever! :D Well, if you like Twilight, that is, and you know I do :D

    Shannon Messenger over at Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe is giving away a signed (yes I said SIGNED) copy of Twilight!

    Head on over to her blog for all the details! Contest closes on Dec 10th and the winner will be announced on Dec 11th. She has a few ways to rack up some extra points so everyone go enter!!

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Twilight Book Contest!

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Technical Issues

    I have having problems moderating my comments at the moment. Several have come through, but Blogger isn't letting me post them for some reason. I'm working on it. So if you don't see your comment, I've probably received it but just can't post it yet. Hopefully this will get fixed soon :)

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Technical Issues

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NANO's Over? But I'm Not Done Yet!!

    Yeah, oops :D Well, I did get 2200 something words - so, not a total waste. Here's something I've learned from the last two years.....If you want to do NaNo, do NOT move in November :D

    Last year, we moved into our new house on the night of Oct 31st. So unpacking took up all of my time until about the middle of November. Normally, I'd have the whole house unpacked the first day, but this time my children were older and somehow, things didn't go quite as smoothly with them under foot :)

    This year, we get the news my husband is being transferred and a flurry of house hunting, school calling, early intervention education program phone calls, note writing, and faxing, shopping, organizing, trashing, and packing begins again.

    Bottom line - if you are going to try and write around 2000 words a day for 30 days, I'd highly recommend not trying to move your family 2000 miles away while doing it :D

    How did everyone else do?

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NANO's Over? But I'm Not Done Yet!!

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