Our Friday Funnies will be moved to Saturday as we explore the last of my present issues.
Without further ado - Issue #3:
I get a little intimidated - because I like to read during my down time. And when I'm holding a superbly awesome book in my hands, I'm thinking two things, pretty much simultaneously.
"This book is sooo good, I love it!!!"
"I will never write something as good as this, why can't I think of stuff like this, holy cow why do I bother!!?"
So, yeah, not so easy to pick up my own pen when I'm constantly comparing myself to other people.
Solution - lol suck it up, quit being a baby and (as my mother used to say when my siblings and I would be checking out what was going on with the peas and other undesirables in everyone else's dish instead of mind our own bee's wax) - Mind Your Own Plate!
And I found a few bits of awesome to go along with Mama's bit o' wisdom:
(this one comes from the same Richard Rhodes quote from yesterday...I just saved this line for today) ;-)
If you're afraid of what other people will think of your efforts, don't show them until you write your way beyond your fear.
I love this one - LOVE IT. Because I do love what I do, I love what I write. And that generally doesn't change until I send it out for it's first crit and it comes back covered in that lovely shade of red and I realize how much work it really needs :) But when I'm only concerned about what is going on in MY head *sigh* it be grand :)
Another bit o' awesome, from Frank Herbert:
The successful writer listens to himself. You get a writer's block by being aware that you're putting it out there.
He makes a great point. If I focus too much on "putting it out there" and not enough on listening to myself, I will never write anything again. I think listening to yourself, at least in the beginning stages, is essential, and something I need to try a little harder to do.
One last bit of awesome, from P.J. O'Rourke:
Write badly. Bad writing is easier.
LOL This one just made me laugh. It goes along with my own mantra that I'm supposed to be chanting every day "Just suck it up and do it."
Yeah, so there are books out there that are going to be better than mine. So what? There are books out there that will be worse too. I need to listen to myself and if that proves difficult, suck it up and write anyway, knowing it's crap. Crap is fixable. But you can't fix something that doesn't exist - so just get something down.
Anyone else waiting in line at the Intimidation Station? Climb aboard Michelle's crazy train - we're leaving the station in 5 minutes :D