Monday, May 31, 2010

Editorial Cartoon: Bill Talk

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Editorial Cartoon: Bill Talk

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The WOOHOO I'm Finished Grand Giveaway!!!

    First of all, HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday

    And second of all - I FINISHED THE BOOK!!!!!

    Well, mostly LOL I did finish all the chapters and major rewrites. I do still have a medium-sized tweak for chapter 5 to do and a few minor tweaks throughout the book. BUT, all chapters, 1-17, the introduction, and the about the author section have been completed and the little stuff left will be done in a couple days.

    So.....I'm feeling the need to celebrate :D

    This one will be easy - just make sure you are a follower and leave a comment ON THIS POST. And that's it! You are entered! I will take entries until Saturday night at 11:59 pm.

    Now for the prizes!!!

    When I finish a project, I generally celebrate by diving into a good book, eating some good chocolate, and buying some gorgeous jewelry from my amazingly talented friend Bonny (who is also doing a giveaway on her blog, so click on her name and go check it out!).

    So, I thought I'd share my celebration with you :) The glorious grand prize will include:

    A beautiful bracelet from Bonny Lass Jewelry:

    Yummy mouth-watering gourmet apples from Mrs. Prindables:

    And a $10 gift card to the online book dealer of your choice  :)

    Extra Entry Opps:

    - Be or become a Follower of my other blog (which I promise I'll start posting more on!) Papers, Prose, and Poetry = +1

    - Tweet, blog, Facebook, or otherwise share the joy = +1 for each (for a total of 4 extra entries)

    So everyone has the opportunity for 6 entries - but you MUST leave a comment on this post to enter, so don't forget! Let me know how many points you have in your comment and I will announce the winner next Monday. 

    Good luck and thanks for celebrating with me!!!

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The WOOHOO I'm Finished Grand Giveaway!!!

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Funny Cartoon Christmas Card: Put the Fire Out

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Funny Cartoon Christmas Card: Put the Fire Out

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Funny Fathers Day Cartoon: Over Achiever

    A funny fathers day cartoon about a father talking to his son about his life as a young man.

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Funny Fathers Day Cartoon: Over Achiever

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Funny Male Enhancement Cartoon: Learn to sign

    A funny cartoon about the subject of male enhancement drugs you know the drugs that you can’t watch T.V. without being bombarded with funny or emotion invoking commercials about. Only marketing could take two letters of the alphabet “E.D.” and brand it into an anti-flaccid billion dollar money maker.

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Funny Male Enhancement Cartoon: Learn to sign

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another cool post from the awesome Cole Gibsen :D

    Had to take another brief moment to tell you that if you haven't read Cole Gibsen's post on Writing Like an X-Man, then you need to run, not walk, over to her blog. Seriously, one of the best posts EVER. :D

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Another cool post from the awesome Cole Gibsen :D

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We Interrupt This Unplugged Week for a Quick Update...

    Just wanted to toss up a quick update - I'M ALMOST FINISHED!!!! I have about 1.5 new chapters to finish and then a few minor tweaks throughout the book and then I'm D.O.N.E. !!

    I'm getting a little giddy - and I'm thinking we might need to celebrate with something like, oh, I don't know, a super cool HOLY COW I FINISHED giveaway or something :D

    If I can keep this up, I'll be relaxing and reading amidst a stack of to-be-read books by this weekend. So check back Monday! There may just be an awesome celebration to share in! :D

    How is everyone else doing out there?

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We Interrupt This Unplugged Week for a Quick Update...

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Unplugged Week

    I'm signing off for the week! I really want my book done and out the door before my kids are out of school for the summer. Somehow, I don't think I'll be getting a lot of work done when they are running around all day :D

    See you all Monday! May everyone have a happy and productive week :) Oh! And if you haven't headed to Elana's blog yet, go go go!! She's doing some awesome giveaways all week to celebrate the sale of her book, Control Issues. Go enter!

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Unplugged Week

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

2008 Emo Hair Styles With Bangs

    Modern emo hair usually spots long bangs cut unevenly that can cover one eye partially or fully or still both eyes.

    2008 Emo Hair Styles With Bangs

    My Hair to Be

    Emo hair in 2008

    blonde emo surfer

    2008 Emo Hair Styles With Bangs

    Orginal EMo Pump Hair

    2008 Emo Hair Styles With Bangs

    emo chick

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2008 Emo Hair Styles With Bangs

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Editorial Cartoon: Obama’s Web

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Editorial Cartoon: Obama’s Web

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Editorial Cartoon: Economy Shmonomy

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Editorial Cartoon: Economy Shmonomy

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Office Humor: Work-Casm’s HR Madness

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Office Humor: Work-Casm’s HR Madness

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Something Better than Friday Funnies

    Okay, I know I said we'd do Friday Funnies today, but something happened that needs to be addressed instead.

    After months of waiting to celebrate, I can finally share the amazing, wonderful and ultra-exciting news that my sweet and incredibly talented friend, Ms. Awesome Herself, Elana Johnson

    HAS A BOOK DEAL!!!!!

    Can I get a WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!

    Here is the announcement from PM:

    Elana Johnson's CONTROL ISSUES, set in a brainwashed society where those gifted with mind control best join the powers that be, but one rebel girl tries to beat them at their own game, to Anica Rissi at Simon Pulse, by Michelle Andelman at Lynn Franklin Associates (NA).

    Congratulations Elana!!

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Something Better than Friday Funnies

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Last one, I swear :D

    Our Friday Funnies will be moved to Saturday as we explore the last of my present issues.

    Without further ado - Issue #3:

    I get a little intimidated - because I like to read during my down time. And when I'm holding a superbly awesome book in my hands, I'm thinking two things, pretty much simultaneously.

    "This book is sooo good, I love it!!!"


    "I will never write something as good as this, why can't I think of stuff like this, holy cow why do I bother!!?"

    So, yeah, not so easy to pick up my own pen when I'm constantly comparing myself to other people.

    Solution - lol suck it up, quit being a baby and (as my mother used to say when my siblings and I would be checking out what was going on with the peas and other undesirables in everyone else's dish instead of mind our own bee's wax) - Mind Your Own Plate!

    And I found a few bits of awesome to go along with Mama's bit o' wisdom:

    (this one comes from the same Richard Rhodes quote from yesterday...I just saved this line for today) ;-)

    If you're afraid of what other people will think of your efforts, don't show them until you write your way beyond your fear.

    I love this one - LOVE IT. Because I do love what I do, I love what I write. And that generally doesn't change until I send it out for it's first crit and it comes back covered in that lovely shade of red and I realize how much work it really needs :) But when I'm only concerned about what is going on in MY head *sigh* it be grand :)

    Another bit o' awesome, from Frank Herbert:

    The successful writer listens to himself. You get a writer's block by being aware that you're putting it out there.

    He makes a great point. If I focus too much on "putting it out there" and not enough on listening to myself, I will never write anything again. I think listening to yourself, at least in the beginning stages, is essential, and something I need to try a little harder to do.

    One last bit of awesome, from P.J. O'Rourke:

    Write badly. Bad writing is easier.

    LOL This one just made me laugh. It goes along with my own mantra that I'm supposed to be chanting every day "Just suck it up and do it." 

    Yeah, so there are books out there that are going to be better than mine. So what? There are books out there that will be worse too. I need to listen to myself and if that proves difficult, suck it up and write anyway, knowing it's crap. Crap is fixable. But you can't fix something that doesn't exist - so just get something down.

    Anyone else waiting in line at the Intimidation Station? Climb aboard Michelle's crazy train - we're leaving the station in 5 minutes :D

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Last one, I swear :D

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Welcome to my madness - part 2

    Ready for issue #2? Here we go:

    I get a little overwhelmed at the thought of all the work ahead. Sure, I get a new idea and I am all gung ho and totally excited to work on it. And then I sit down. And think about what happens after I finish draft one. And after I finish draft 100. And what happens if I can't get even that far because finishing draft 1 is so hard. And (get ready for some more capped one word sentences) it. FREAKS. ME. OUT. I freeze up, I get up, I do something else (see #1 from yesterday) :D

    Solution? Awesomeness from Richard Rhodes

    If you're afraid you can't write, the answer is to write. Every sentence you construct adds weight to the balance pan...If writing a book is impossible, write a chapter. If writing a chapter is impossible, write a page. If writing a page is impossible, write a paragraph. If writing a paragraph is impossible, write a sentence. If writing even a sentence is impossible, write a word and teach yourself everything there is to know about that word and then write another, connected word and see where their connection leads. A page a day is a book a year.

    Anyone ever see What About Bob? (hilarious movie, btw) - Baby Steps. I just need to take baby steps when I get overwhelmed as I tend to do. I need to stop thinking about what's in front of me and focus on what is right in my face, right now. Why worry about the end of a project I haven't yet started? I need to focus on that chapter, that page, that paragraph, that word. 

    The rest will come.

    And speaking of doing a page a day, there is a Page a Day Challenge going on (I saw it HERE on Christine Fonseca's blog, but there are a ton of people signing up - check it out!)

    Does anyone else find themselves overwhelmed by all that lies ahead of a new project? How do you handle it?

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Welcome to my madness - part 2

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Christmas Snowflakes Desktop Wallpapers, Glittering Snowflakes for Desktops

    Exchange these Christmas Snowflakes Desktop Wallpapers with your loved ones to beautify their desktop screens and dashboard to look as beautiful as the Winter snowy season of Christmas. Download by clicking on any of the sample, you will get the large size. Save it by right clicking and selecting as wallpaper of the right mouse click. Blue, red, green, white, golden, silver and other colored snowflakes are used for outdoor and indoor decorations.
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Christmas Snowflakes Desktop Wallpapers, Glittering Snowflakes for Desktops

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Christmas Bells Desktop Wallpapers, Santa Jingle Bells Wallpaper

    Hang these Santa Jingle Bells to welcome him in and thanks to come and shower his kind blessings on us. Decorate your desktop themes with these Christmas Bells Wallpapers with different scenes of bells, antique bells, golden bells and more. All these pictures are free and easy to download.
    Santa Jingle Bell WallpaperChristmas Bells 3D Wallpaper
    Antique Christmas Bells Wallpaper For DesktopsChristmas Bells Desktop Wallpapers

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Christmas Bells Desktop Wallpapers, Santa Jingle Bells Wallpaper

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Funny Christmas Desktop Wallpapers

    Spread great laughter and fun to your beloved ones sitting on desktops and laptops with these Funny Christmas Desktop Wallpapers displaying scene of funny santa riding his cart and reindeer sitting in, drunken Santa sleeping on the road side, funny cartoon reindeer and santa picture and more jokes.
    Funny Christmas Joke Desktop WallpapersFunny Christmas Desktop WallpapersFunny Christmas Cartoon Desktop Wallpapers

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Funny Christmas Desktop Wallpapers

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Family Christmas Desktop Wallpapers, Family Portrait for Christmas

    Share your family portrait of Christmas celebrating together. We have composed these Family Christmas Desktop Wallpapers based on this theme of family group photo to delight all relatives, friends and buddies. Hang your family Xmas celebration photo as background for your desktop and white christmas family portrait
    Family Christmas Desktop Wallpaperschristmas portrait wallpaper of family

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Family Christmas Desktop Wallpapers, Family Portrait for Christmas

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Christmas Couples Desktop Wallpapers

    Share these Christmas Couples Desktop Wallpapers with your beloved lover to spice up your love life and enjoy precious moments of Christmas eve together. Even many couples give surprise with a gift, party and other romantic things to build up their strong love relationship.
    Xmas Couple Celebration Wallpaperchristmas love couple desktop wallpaperChristmas Couples Desktop Wallpapers

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Christmas Couples Desktop Wallpapers

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Funny Cartoon Birthday Card: Ski Hill Fun

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Funny Cartoon Birthday Card: Ski Hill Fun

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I Have Issues, Ya'all...

    I was talking to a dear friend yesterday about taking breaks in writing - and I realized, with a bit of a shock, how long the breaks between my projects (novels...not counting my NF stuff) actually are. I finished my last book (first draft, not revisions) a year ago, almost exactly. A. YEAR. AGO.

    Why on earth haven't I started something new yet? Well, let me rephrase. Why on earth haven't I FINISHED something new yet?

    Really, what is my deal? I've got ideas coming out my ears. I have more first chapters than you can shake a stick at. I have playlists and outlines and revision notes and partials and even a query letter or two...but another finished project - nope, not here!

    So - I've been doing a bit of thinking about why it's so hard for me to start something new. I've come up with three main issues (and we are going to take these one day at a time so this post doesn't end up a mini novel on its own):

    1. I am Queen of excuses - I am Empress of Procrastination - I can talk your EAR off (my ever-loving and beyond sweet crit buddies can attest to this) about why I haven't/can't/shouldn't/won't start something new. And I'm not just pulling crap out of thin air - these are GOOD excuses :D I mean, I really do have stuff going on...just sayin' :D

    So, seeing as how I can pull 100 legitimate (and several thousand not so legitimate) reasons for remaining new projectless out of, hat *ahem* at any given time, what am I going to do about it?

    Well, in my procrastinating musings and rummaging through awesome book collection, I came across a few handy little quotes that nailed me right on the head :)

    Solution to #1: Awesomeness by Nicholson Baker:

    Sit in sun. Sun goes behind cloud. Look at watch. Notice that second-hand does not always point directly at little marks on dial. Sometimes it does, though. Then sometimes it doesn't. Why? Feel panic at how quickly life slips by. Get to work.

    Life does slip quickly by. All those excuses I dole out are just that - excuses. Excuses, for no real reason at all, for putting off something I love and want to do  - Solution - get off butt and get to work.

    Stay tuned tomorrow for reason and solution #2 - in the meantime, how is everyone out there doing? Do you have issues with starting new projects? Do I have any rivals for Empress/Emperor of Procrastination?

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I Have Issues, Ya'all...

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blog Chain: So Many Authors, So Little Time

    The topic for this round of the ol’ Blog Chain was chosen by our fabulous Christine Fonseca who wanted to know:

    “Which author or authors have most influenced your writing and how?”

    At first, I wasn’t quite sure how to answer this question. I guess because I think of it more in terms of authors who inspire me – inspire me to write better, write more, write in different ways. And the list of those incredible people is endless. So, I chose two. These two authors are the ones who inspired me to write in the first place.

    Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert – this incredible woman wrote under eight different pen names, but the ones I read the most were Victoria Holt, Jean Plaidy, and Philippa Carr. In fact, the books of Victoria Holt were the first novels I read. Her books have everything. She was able to blend history and romance and danger and mystery so flawlessly that I would get sucked into a story and read it cover to cover in one day. I am on a mission to own every book she ever wrote and have read the entire series of books under each of these names more times than I can count. I always keep her in mind when I write and try to aspire to include and blend the elements of my stories as seamlessly as she did.

    Diana Gabaldon – again, an amazing writer whose storyworld is so expertly created, with historical elements blended so perfectly into her stories you feel like you are running through the 18th century with a bunch of Scottish highlanders. And her characters are so alive and real that I am still in love with Jamie, the Scottish chief that marries her main character, Claire, who feels like she is one of my best friends (which makes the fact that I am in love with her husband a little awkward *snort* Oh, and I swear I’m not insane, these characters just REALLY feel…well, REAL) :D

    It’s been 2 years since I’ve reread the Outlander series and I still think about her world and characters on at least a weekly basis. Because of her, I aspire to create characters and settings that stay with my readers long after they’ve read my books.

    Other authors who make me want to hang up my pen and inspire me to pick it up and use it better include Suzanne Collins, Charlaine Harris, Scott Westerfield, Orson Scott Card, Laurell K. Hamilton, Stephanie Meyer, J.K. Rowling, and many, many more.

    Be sure to check out Shannon's answer from yesterday, and swing by Amanda's blog tomorrow to find out who influences her!

    So tell me, who influences and/or inspires you? Why?

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Blog Chain: So Many Authors, So Little Time

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Funny Cartoon Birthday Card: Fulfilling Day

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Funny Cartoon Birthday Card: Fulfilling Day

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    (Since tomorrow is my turn on the fabulous Blog Chain, we'll have our Ten Word Tuesday today :D )

    There's no substitute for persistence...Also, a vow of poverty helps.
    ~ Phil Mushnick

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Cute Emo Girl Haircuts

    emo haircuts Cute Emo Girl Haircuts

    emo haircuts Cute Emo Girl Haircuts

    emo haircutsCute Emo Girl Haircuts

    emo haircutsCute Emo Girl Haircuts

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Cute Emo Girl Haircuts

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Funny Cartoon Birthday Card: Pleasant Surprise

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Funny Cartoon Birthday Card: Pleasant Surprise

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Funny Cartoon Christmas Card: The Accident

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Funny Cartoon Christmas Card: The Accident

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Black Emo Hair Cuts 2009

    Black colour is the most common or even standard colour for emo haircut ,black emo hair style is the best way to express your emotions through hairstyle.

    Black emo haircuts pictures gallery:


    Black Emo Hair Cuts 2009

    emo rocks

    Black Emo Hair Cuts 2009


    Black Emo Hair Cuts 2009

    emo girl

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Black Emo Hair Cuts 2009

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