Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Writer's Christmas

    I think I'm probably a hard person to shop for. My poor husband doesn't want to give me a gift card every year but he knows my first response when he asks me what I want for Christmas is going to be - books :D

    So this year I made him a list. It includes:
    • A gift card for books - because really, as boring as he might think this is, it ROCKS
    • Office supplies - again, he might snooze, but man does my little heart go pitter-pat when I get my hands on a bunch of new pens and post its and notebooks oooo and especially organizational stuff like binders and bins and cork boards and those really pretty push pins and paper clips and....well you get the point :D
    • Computer software - I specifically asked for Scrivener and that software that will read your manuscript to you
    • Music - I asked for some specifics (Apocalyptica, Chopin, Evanescence...my typical mood setting stuff) :)
    • Aqua Notes - have you seen these things?! It's a notepad you hang IN YOUR SHOWER. I get probably 80% of my awesome ideas and epiphanies in the shower and I forget about 80% of those before I get out of the shower. NO MORE! If I find these in my stocking I can write down those awesome ideas before they go down the drain :D (p.s. saw these first on Stina's blog - she's got a great Xmas list for writers going to - check it out!)
    • I used to ask for uninterrupted writing time :D but with both my kidlets in school full time now, I can write while they are gone during the day. But this is a great gift for writers who have to squeeze their writing time in between jobs and/or kids or other obligations.
    What is on your writer's wish list this year?

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A Writer's Christmas

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