Monday, June 27, 2011

New Updo Hairstyles

    Do you need a new hairstyle? If you have long hair, it is easy to get into the ponytail rut. Just put it up and go. But long hair offers a lot of hairstyle options if you are going to the prom, having senior pictures or bridal pictures made, going to a wedding, or just needing an updo for a formal party. You do need to know some basics of hair care before getting started with long hairstyles though. Knowing the best way to shampoo, comb, brush, and dry your hair and the tools to use can give you a head start in your hairstyle.

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    Hairstyles for Long Hair

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    First, shampooing long hair is best done standing up, preferably in the shower. This helps reduce matting and tangling. You should choose a shampoo that fits your hair's needs. For instance, chemically treated or damaged hair should be treated with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Only Apply shampoo to the scalp and then rub in circular motions to clean the scalp thoroughly. When you rinse, work the shampoo through the ends of your hair and this will also help with less tangles. Your goal is to clean your scalp, so it is not necessary to rub shampoo into the ends of your hair. Use several towels to blot your hair dry. Never rub wet hair because this is a major cause of matting and tangling.

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New Updo Hairstyles

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