Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blog Chain - Where Do You Go?

    Okay, so it's my turn to chose the topic for this round and I toooootally spaced (I was supposed to post yesterday).

    So! Without further ado, here is my question:

    There are so many things we have to include in our storyworlds...characters, world details, settings, etc. No matter what genre you write, your stories are full of tiny details that help create your storyworld. I know that for me, at least, finding or creating all these details can sometimes be a bit tough. 

    Where do you go for help? And what types of things are you more likely to research/search for as opposed to making up on your own? Do you have any favorite resource sites? Share links if you have them!!

    For instance, I had a rather lame name for my girls' boarding school in my book. I was using it as a filler and sort of never got around to giving it a more unique name. I wanted to remedy that but after a million edits (and as it was nearing midnight and I was a little fried) I just couldn't think of anything.

    I started googling and found this site, Serendipity, which has several random name generators. I took a couple of the names it came up with, combined them, and now have a school name I absolutely love.

    This article on K.M. Weiland's Author Culture blog has several good links for historical writers.

    This site has a lot of great Old West info (I've spent a lot of time in their Western Slang section) :D

    I've emailed horticultural societies for info on what types of flowers bloom in England in the winter, doctors to find out if 100 year old skeletons would still have hair, checked out a pirate lover site to find info on pistols, and googled the history of toilets :D

    What sorts of things have you looked up? Do you have any great resource links?

    Head over to Margie's to see what sorts of things she might be googling :)

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Blog Chain - Where Do You Go?

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