Monday, July 12, 2010

A Postponment and Some Mondayness

    Due to some uncontrollable events, we are going to postpone our Author Spotlight Week with the awesome Shaun David Hutchinson while he recuperates from some unexpected events. But, I urge any and all of you to head out and get his book, The Deathday Letter without delay! I loved this book, read it in a day, laughed, cried, and laughed some more. Serious excellence :D You can find links to buy it in my Must Read Books tab above. Please stay tuned for our spotlight week with Shaun. We will be discussing his book and even giving away a signed copy!

    So, for this week we will stick to our regularly scheduled program :)

    Hope all is well with everyone and hope you are all busily writing away! I'm working on it, to varying degrees of success LOL But, I figure as long as I'm getting SOMETHING down, I can give myself a pat or two on the back :)

    Real life stuff getting in the way right now:

    No air conditioning - hard to type when your fingers are dripping sweat. No joke.
    Middle finger on left hand non-functioning - not sure what is going on with it, though I have discovered I'm pretty good at typing even though I can barely move my fingers on my left hand. Gotta love a silver lining ;-)
    Kids are hot and bored and hot - but, the youngest starts summer school this week (she has a speech delay so this is just to get her up to speed before she dives into kindergarten, and she's super excited!) and we got our little pool up which my son now lives in; so this week may go better.

    Goal for this week - get some writing done no matter what awesome excuses I may have! I will type one handed sitting on a block of ice if I have to!! :)

    So, how is life and writing going for everyone else? I hope you are being more productive than I am ;D

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A Postponment and Some Mondayness

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