Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year's Everyone!!

    May the New Year bring everyone health, happiness, success, and many, many shiny new words :) Happy New Year's!!!!

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Happy New Year's Everyone!!

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Is your butt hungry?

    Well its eating your shorts!

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Is your butt hungry?

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The Games Begin In Just a Few Short Days!

    All right ya'all....we've got 20 days until my book comes out....and we're going to have some fun until the big release :D

    In the tabs at the top of my blog, you'll find one for Book Release Games. This page contains all the info you'll need on all the upcoming games leading up to the day of my book release and Blog Tour kick off. The links and specifics of each game will be listed and active the day they begin, but you can find general info about what's coming up now.

    Once the Blog Tour gets underway, I'll list links to all the stops on the Tour as well as links to any giveaways that may be occurring. PLUS, I'll have info about how you can enter the huge Grand Prize Giveaway at the end of the Tour.

    So...what is the first game, you wonder? Well, my book is a guide book on how to write essays and term papers...those pesky, hair-pulling, unfortunately necessary and required aspect of every single English class in the country. If you are going to school or know someone who is, an essay is in your future, plain and simple. My book is design to make those assignments a little easier, because let's face it, papers can be a pain to write, even for those of us who write for fun!

    So we'll have a few games centered around essays and writing with some fun books and swag as prizes.

    The first game/contest kicks off this Saturday Jan 1st so don't forget to check back here for details!

    In the meantime, I could use a little help. My awesome stepkids got me a Borders gift card for Christmas (do they know their step mama or what!!) Any suggestions on books? I've got a few in mind, but am having a LOT of trouble narrowing them down LOL What was your favorite book this year?

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The Games Begin In Just a Few Short Days!

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More Things I Learned From My 7 Year Old

    So much about surviving in this business depends on attitude. Rejections, critiques, reviews...they can all get to you if you don't have the right attitude about them. Keeping a positive attitude can be anything but easy.

    But it is possible to have a positive attitude about anything if you choose. Something that was brought home to me as I watched my 7 year old open his presents on Christmas morning.

    He's a cute kid on any morning, but this Christmas, he was so flippin adorable I almost couldn't stand it. He didn't stop smiling once, not even when things didn't really go the way he wanted.

    For instance, he and his sister received desks (she for her art, he for his science and art projects). They were both very excited about them, and about the presents stacked on top. Now, these presents went along with their desks (they were filled with office supplies, crayons, markers, stickers, etc). And since they both always get in my computer paper for their projects, I thought having their very own stash of paper would be fun.

    My son unwrapped his paper (it was the first present he unwrapped) and when he saw what it was, he said, "Oh you gotta be kidding! Paper?"

    Now, he could have said this as "Oh you gotta be kidding, paper?" *insert sarcasm and exasperated eye roll*

    But it was said with a laugh and a smile. He put the paper to the side (instead of chucking it across the room) and moved on. Some kids would have reacted with a much different attitude. (And he has since had a lot of fun with that paper, so it's all good) :D

    My favorite moment of the day came a few minutes later as he was going through his stocking. He found a box of those storybook lifesavers (which Santa forgot he didn't care for). He held them up, smile from ear to ear, laugh in his voice, and said "Awesome I hate these!"

    Now, I think he was saying "awesome" and then realized what it was and switched to "I hate these" - but either way, he didn't throw a fit, he didn't even look disappointed, he just put them down and moved on. And gave the rest of us a good belly laugh at the same time :D

    It got me thinking. How do we react when something doesn't go our way in the writing world? What do we do when a request that looked so promising comes back with a rejection? What do we do when a manuscript we thought was clean and polished and ready to go comes back from a critiquing with so much red you can't see the white of the pages anymore?

    I realize everyone is going to have a moment where they want to quit, hit delete and never write again, or shoot off a nasty email to the person who sent that rejection or critique. It's natural and totally understandable to feel supreme disappointment. We pour our hearts and souls into our work and it hurts when it doesn't make it.

    You can't do anything about how other people view your work. You can't make an agent sign you, or make that editor buy your book, or make your crit partners send your manuscript with a big smiley face and a "PERFECT!" rating.

    But you can politely thank your crit partners and move on, even if you cried yourself to sleep over their comments, even if you'll never use one of their suggestions. They took time away from their own work to read yours. Just say thank you with a smile on your face and move on.

    Got a bad reject? STAY AWAY FROM THE REPLY BUTTON. Resist the urge to tell that agent/editor that they don't know what they are talking about. Maybe they don't. Maybe passing on your book will someday be the biggest regret they ever have. I'm sure the people who passed on Stephenie Meyer and JK Rowling and John Grisham give themselves a little kick every now and then.

    But it doesn't matter. This business is subjective in the extreme. Everything depends on getting the right book in front of the right person at the EXACT right time - over and over again. You can't control any of that. But you can control your attitude when disappointment comes your way. You can have a minute of mourning for the shiny possibility that didn't pan out....and then put a smile on your face and move on. Bigger and better things will be waiting for you if you have a good attitude and keep on going. A bad attitude will burn a lot of bridges and wear you down.

    If my son and thrown a fit over the paper or the unwanted candy, Christmas morning would have been miserable for everyone. There were much better presents under the tree, more delicious candy in the toe of his stocking. But he never would have found that out if he'd stopped unwrapping after the first disappointment (and to be honest, his attitude about that paper was so good I'm still not sure if he was disappointed or not).

    Bottom line - you are going to wade through a lot of coal before you get to the good stuff. Having a bad attitude about it will make the journey miserable for you and everyone you are involved with. A good attitude will make even crappy candy and stacks of computer paper a lot more fun, and it will make finally finding that shiny new bike under the tree a much more rewarding moment.

    I hope everyone had an amazing holiday! :) May our new year be filled with good attitudes and awesome rewards for hard work :)

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More Things I Learned From My 7 Year Old

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Monday, December 27, 2010

It's That Time of Year Again

    (My post from the OA yesterday) :)

    It's a couple days after Christmas, the year is drawing to an end, and it is inevitable that our focus begins to turn to the shiny new year waiting just around the corner. I've heard the phrase "New Year's Resolutions" bandied about frequently in the last several days. It's not a term I like much. Mostly because it feels like yet another to-do list I'm going to fail to accomplish.

    So this year, I decided to make a Desire List instead....everything sounds better with the word "desire" in it....okay, maybe not EVERYTHING, but it certainly sounds better than "resolutions" which just makes me think of "requiem" for some reason, and that just isn't a fun word.

    Anywho....what do I desire for next year? The usual, I be a better mom and wife, write some books, sell some books....and of course lose 10 (+ a few dozen and a few dozen more) pounds.

    There are a lot more things I'd like to do, more goals to accomplish, but really, those are the big ones for me. Spend more time with my family....continue working on my writing career.Or to simplify it even keep my focus on the big picture.

    I figure if I keep it simple and keep my focus narrowed on what's truly deep down important to me, maybe the stress of trying to keep up with everything else will lessen. Maybe I won't be so hard on myself when my blogging fizzles. Maybe I won't feel so guilty if I spend a few extra minutes with my kids instead of on a manuscript. Maybe I'll let my exhausted body rest instead of staying up till the wee hours of the morning plugging away on some project or other.

    Maybe. :)

    I think too often we allow ourselves to get so overstretched and engrossed in whatever million projects we've got going on that we forget to focus on the big picture, the main goal, the one thing we really, truly want. We allow the details to swamp us until we forget the goal we were working toward in the first place.

    Operation Awesome's Lindsay mentioned Pointilism in her awesome post a few days's sort of like that....We get so focused on the dots we don't see the larger pictures. Are the individual dots important? You betcha. Without them, there wouldn't be a larger picture. But if you spend all your time staring at those dots, you'll never see the masterpiece they form.

    So, next year, I'm going to try to focus on the masterpiece, and spend a little less time stressing over the dots. :)

    How about you? What's on your Desire List for the new year?

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It's That Time of Year Again

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Friday, December 24, 2010

funny quotes

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funny quotes

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Have a Very Merry Christmas and Holiday Season!

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Have a Very Merry Christmas and Holiday Season!

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

ugly people

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ugly people

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Christmas Cartoon: Cranky Elf

    I was sketching the other day and ended up with this as one of the sketches I liked because I was thinking of the whole elves making toys at the North Pole. Paparazzi were one of the other things that was bouncing around up there as well. I thought….what would the elves do if the paparazzi were around constantly snapping photos trying to catch one of them doing something un-elf like so they could sell it to the OMG’s, PEOPLE’s, and Tabloids of the world? Answer…..I really have no idea but I thought this guy was heading in the right direction. I ended up putting the design on some Zazzle gear in hopes of raising some funds for the “Elf Awareness Fund”, an organization dedicated to bringing about awareness of elves and their desire for privacy.  Did you catch the irony…..I’ll say it again, “An organization dedicated to bringing about awareness of elves and their desire for privacy.” Anyway, I’m just kidding about the “Elf Awareness Fund”, no such thing as far as I know….I’m just looking to make a few bucks for myself and hopefully entertain a few people as well. That’s it for that….hope everyone has a safe and Happy Holiday’s.


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Christmas Cartoon: Cranky Elf

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A Little More Christmas Funny

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A Little More Christmas Funny

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

More Christmas Funny

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More Christmas Funny

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

funny christmas cats

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funny christmas cats

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Christmas Funny

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Christmas Funny

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Monday, December 20, 2010


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And the Christmas Coutdown Begins....

    Is everyone ready for Christmas!? I can't believe it's just days away. My kids are so excited....luckily (for me) they are still in school. They got a week off for Thanksgiving, so they only get a week off for Christmas. They are in school right up till Christmas Eve (Thursday is their last day). Of course, this would be a bit irritating if we were traveling this year, but as we aren't, I'm going to enjoy having my days free to get ready for the big day :)

    I'm going to take a Unplugged Week this week so I can hang with my family and take a short break before things start picking up momentum in preparation for my book release in just a few short weeks (squeee!!!!) But, I'll have a little Christmas funny posted for you every day :)

    I hope everyone has an amazing holiday and I'll see you next Monday!

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And the Christmas Coutdown Begins....

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cartoon Best Friends Forever: Cow and Farmer

    A cartoon image of a Cow and Farmer getting along swimmingly for this incredible opportunity to be on Best Friend Forever Gear as presented by Nopolymon Graphics. Mr. Farmer is content to be on the farm but Cow has aspirations of being a television news anchor on a major network and thought this would be a great opportunity to get some face recognition out in the marketplace. They graciously aloud us into their home and showed us their quaint little farm, of the hundreds of photos taken we thought this captured the essence of their friendship the best. Cow, as well as being perfectly photogenic, has an absolutely enchanting voice and graced us with her utterly incredible rendition of “Home on the Range”. We wish them the best and hope Cow finds her goal of television news anchor within reach soon as well as we hope you enjoy this photo of a couple of Mid-West Best Friends Forever.

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Cartoon Best Friends Forever: Cow and Farmer

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Leah Clifford on the OA

    Come to the OA today!!! We have the fabulous Leah Clifford stopping by to answer all your questions! Don't miss her!

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Leah Clifford on the OA

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Friday, December 17, 2010

hot chicks on cool cars

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hot chicks on cool cars

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Friday Funnies

    Have an awesome weekend everyone!!!! And don't forget to stop by the Operation Awesome Blog on Sunday for a Q and A session with the lovely Leah Clifford :D

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Friday Funnies

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