Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Release Day to Bethany Wiggins and Shifting!!

    Today a very dear friend is celebrating the release of her debut novel. I posted about this at Operation Awesome on Saturday (head over there if you haven't yet because I'm giving away a SIGNED COPY - you can enter up through midnight tomorrow) but I just couldn't let this day go by without giving a huge shout out and congrats to Bethany Wiggins and her awesome book Shifting.

    I've got something special planned in a couple weeks that you won't want to miss, but for today, I just wanted to wish Bethany all the best and implore all my lovely readers to go buy this book. I love this book, and I'm not just saying that because I'm friends with the author :D

    This book has it all for me: weird happenings, cool (and creepy) mythology (made even creepier by the fact that it is based on legends about the area where I lived at the time...and there were plenty of local stories about the stuff in this book...and yeah...I'd get freaked out A LOT after talking to Bethany lol), romance, and mystery, and really really bad guys, and an awesome MC who may just be one of my favorites EVER.

    Seriously, you all need to check this book out :) Here is the Amazon blurb:

    After bouncing from foster home to foster home, Magdalene Mae is transferred to what should be her last foster home in the tiny town of Silver City, New Mexico. Now that she's eighteen and has only a year left in high school, she's determined to stay out of trouble and just be normal. Agreeing to go to the prom with Bridger O'Connell is a good first step. Fitting in has never been her strong suit, but it's not for the reasons most people would expect-it all has to do with the deep secret that she is a shape shifter. But even in her new home danger lurks, waiting in the shadows to pounce. They are the Skinwalkers of Navajo legend, who have traded their souls to become the animal whose skin they wear-and Maggie is their next target.

    You can find Bethany at her WEBSITEBLOG, on TWITTER, and on FACEBOOK. And you can buy Shifting HERE  :) Stay tuned for even more fun stuff in a couple weeks ;-)

    And CONGRATS Bethany!!!! :)

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Happy Release Day to Bethany Wiggins and Shifting!!

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