Thursday, May 19, 2011

Project Finish Line Celebration Michelle-style :D

    So, the book is done, out with a few readers for the very last time, what ever am I going to do? :D

    Well, work on another project of course LOL But, I get to play a bit first. There are two traditions I started a couple years ago when it comes to finishing a book.

    1. I buy a piece or have a custom piece of jewelry made by my awesome and talented friend Bonny Anderson (here is a link to her FaceBook page - she makes GORGEOUS jewelry!)

    2. There is really nothing quite like holding your book in your hands....even if it's not completely "real". And thanks to the wonderful world of self-publishing, I can do that, just for fun.

    Whenever I finish a book, as in finished finished, there is nothing else I can think to do to it (which has only happened a couple times), I head on over to Lulu and print up a copy. I don't put it up for sale or even list it anywhere. I keep it completely private. This is something I do just for me.

    I have a blast putting together a cover and getting everything formatted and then I order a copy for my very own shelves. It's handy to have when friends or family members want to read my latest creation. I can loan that out instead of emailing them a big old file. And it's also extremely handy for spotting mistakes. For some reason it's just easier to see them in book form, even more so than when I just print it out and put it in a binder.

    So...while I will be diving back into picture book country next week, for the rest of this week, I'm going to prepare another book for my personal shelf. It just makes finishing the project that much more fun - I get to see my book as a BOOK, even if it never makes it past my front door :)

    How do you celebrate when you finish a project?

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Project Finish Line Celebration Michelle-style :D

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