Monday, May 23, 2011

Blog Chain - The Positive Side of Things

    I totally flaked on this round of the blog chain -  I was supposed to post several days ago. My sincere apologies for my extreme tardiness!!!!

    This round's topic was chosen by the lovely Michelle Hickman. The topic:

    Be positive! Name some of the positive aspects of your writing --- be it a compliment from a mentor, friend or crit partner to anything special you learned concerning your writing skills.

    I love this topic. Sure, there can be a lot of down sides to writing...rejections, a messy house, a backside that spends more time in a chair than is healthy for it ;-)

    But the positive sooo outweighs the negative. Here are a few of mine:

    • the sense of accomplishment I feel when I finish a project. There really is nothing like it.
    • the amazing people I have met along the way. My closest friends now are writers. It is beyond wonderful to have people in my life who GET me, who know how I tick because they are hardwired the same way. My life has become so much richer, more full since I've met my writer friends. I don't know how I ever got along without them.
    • I've always always written stories and been good at essays, etc. But my skills increase with every word I write. It's gratifying to see how far I've come. There is nothing like developing a talent that you love. 
    • I've always had a little fantasy world going on in my head - and writing allows me to experience all those wonderful stories in a new way. Writing makes my stories come alive and allows me to share them with others. I sleep better when I'm writing. Yeah, I'm still somewhat of an insomniac. My brain has the hardest time calming down enough to let me sleep. But when I'm writing, it's not so bad. I have an outlet.
    • There is nothing like the high I get when I'm in super creative writing mode. It really is like a drug for me. I'm giddy, happy, in love with life and the world. Just talking about it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :) It's my absolute favorite subject :) There is nothing like being able to do what you love.
    How about you? What are some of the positive aspects that writing brings to your world?

    Be sure to check out our amazing Mr. Eric's response and head over to awesome Shaun Hutchinson's to see his positive side of things :)

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Blog Chain - The Positive Side of Things

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