Sunday, May 8, 2011

Blog Chain - Stubborn Mule the Writing Fool :D

    The new chain has started and this time our lovely Laura would like to know:

    What keeps you going (either trying to get an agent or to get published or finish that WIP that's kicking your butt) when you know the odds are stacked way against you? 

    Great question. With an answer that kind of changes for me depending on my mood and the day and the situation :D

    Always, my writer buds. I'm not sure I could have kept this up if I hadn't met the awesome people I've met. It is a huge help to have people I can turn to who understand both the lows, and highs, of this whole crazy business. And part of it is that this is just what I want to do. Plain and simple. Given that, I don't really have a choice but to keep on pluggin' on.

    Plus, I'm just plain stubborn. Me =

    And (according to my husband) irritatingly optimistic. :D But hey, life's too short to worry about the down side of things. Pessimism isn't fun. ;-)

    What keeps you going?

    Be sure to check out the hilarious Shaun's answer from yesterday and stop by the fabulous Christine's tomorrow to see how she keeps going.

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Blog Chain - Stubborn Mule the Writing Fool :D

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