Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Funnies

    Nanowrimo jokes were found on Danyelle Ferguson's blog - they were written by her husband. To check out her blog and/or see the original post, Click HERE.

    "Knock Knock"
    "Who's there?"
    "Write who?"
    "Uhm, yeah. You already said that. Write who?"
    "Exactly, write whatever."

     A salesman walked up to a Nanowrimo participant's house and rang the doorbell. No one answered.

    A Nanowrimo participant and her daughter were out trick or treating. A man opened the door and said to the little girl, "What are you supposed to be?"
    "A ballerina," she said as she twirled in a circle. He dropped a piece of candy in her bag.
    "And what are you supposed to be?" he asked the older woman who was wearing vampire teeth, had quotes pinned to her shirt, and was carrying a dictionary.
    "I'm the Word Count," the woman said with a thick, fake accent.
     "Aren't you a little old to be trick or treating?"
    "Probably, but I'm going to need all the chocolate I can get."

    Question: Three people were sitting at the library with their laptops. The first was typing away furiously the screen filling with words, many of them with red, squiggly lines underneath them. The second glared at a mostly blank screen with bloodshot eyes. The third typed a few words, then got up and browsed the shelves for a long time before returning and typing a few more words. Which one is the true Nano participant? 

    Answer: All of them.

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Friday Funnies

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