Monday, October 31, 2011



    Yes, once again I'm going to attempt this. I think this is my fourth year. I've never actually finished. However, I've always had a really good excuse :D The first two years I ended up moving right in the middle of November and last year I was in the middle of final edits and book release prep for Homework Helpers. This year though, I don't have any such excuse. So I'd better not botch it :D

    I've got my Nano calendar wallpaper up, my potato word count guy all ready to go

    my projects outlined and ready (yes, I said projectS. I'm cheating a little. I'm halfway through 2 WIPs and the plan is to finish them both by Nov 30th :D  )

    Are you doing Nano? If so, come be my buddy! I'm michellemclean over on the site :) I'm also posting over on Pots & Pens today with a fun interview with Sandra Ulbrich Almazan and one of my favorite recipes, Chocolate Cake in a Cup - a perfect Nano treat :D

    Oh - and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bad Halloween Costumes

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Bad Halloween Costumes

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Interview with Lyon's Legacy Author Sandra Ulbrich Almazan

    I had the pleasure recently of reading Sandra's novella, Lyon's Legacy. I posted a review of it at Operation Awesome yesterday, so go check that out if you haven't yet. For today, the lovely Sandra was kind enough to answer some questions for me :)

    Sometimes being a geneticist isn’t enough to understand your family.... 

    When scientist-in-training Joanna Lyon learns her rich uncle plans to have their rock legend ancestor, Sean Lyon, cloned, she’s disgusted. Uncle Jack pushed her into music when she was younger, and she hated it. So it’s particularly galling that he wants her to travel through a wormhole to an alternate universe and sample Sean’s DNA. She only agrees to go so she can secretly sabotage the project. But meeting Sean forces her to re-examine her feelings about her family, including her estranged father. Can she protect the unborn clone from her uncle, and will she have to sacrifice her career and new-found love to do so? 

    MM: Give us the Twitter pitch :) What’s your book about in 140 characters or less?

    SUA: A geneticist is sent by her uncle to an alternate TwenCen universe to clone the rock star she hates—her ancestor.

    MM: What inspired the story behind Lyon’s Legacy

    SUA: It was inspired by a friend’s story about a woman who heard the Beatles perform in the Cavern, a club in Liverpool where they performed many times before they became famous. I wanted to add a science-fiction twist to that, so I came up with the idea of a time traveler going back to the past to listen to a concert by a famous musician. I asked myself who she was, why she was there, and how she got there, and eventually I came up with Joanna, sent on a mission to get DNA and clone the musician. Instead of using the Beatles, I created a single musician who lived in Chicago in the early sixites to be Joanna’s great-grandfather, the man she’s supposed to help clone.

    MM: What was the hardest part about writing this book?

    SUA: The overall plot has been pretty much the same from draft to draft, but I did wind up changing some of the characters and the settings. Probably one of the more difficult things about writing this book was making sure the changes were consistent throughout the story. Another tough thing was figuring out what to do with this story. The story felt complete at novella length, but it’s tough finding markets for novellas. For a long time, I packaged this story with the sequel, which is a full-length novel in itself, but that was then too long. Publishing this as an e-book was a great solution for me, since word count isn’t so critical.

    MM: What were the challenges you faced in writing this book?

    SUA: I had to research many different things for this book, including plausible methods for time travel, spaceship design, 1960s Chicago, and fertility treatments.

    MM: What books have influenced you the most in your life and writing?

    SUA: In life, I would have to say Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. On one level, it’s the story of a man on a cross-country trip with his son, but on another level it examines the philosophy of science and the importance of Quality and gumption. For writing, it would be the Writers Digest series of books. They cover everything from Characters and Viewpoint to Plot to Scene and Structure.

    MM: What is next for you? Can you share a bit about current and/or future projects?

    SUA: I’m currently juggling several projects. I have two projects in the revision stage: a fantasy standalone novella called “The Fighting Roses of Sharon” and Twinned Universes, the sequel to Lyon’s Legacy. I’m currently drafting a fantasy novel called Scattered Seasons.

    MM: Fast Fun Five:

    • Sweet or salty? Sweet! 
    • Panster or plotter? More of a panster, but working on my plotting. 
    • Ocean or mountains? Mountains. 
    • Morning person or night owl? Night owl. 
    • Shoes or bare feet? Shoes for medical reasons, unfortunately.
    Thanks so much for joining us today, Sandra!

    For more information on Sandra or to purchase her book, check out the links below :)

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Interview with Lyon's Legacy Author Sandra Ulbrich Almazan

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

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Merry Christmas Background Pictures

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Perfectly Times Pics

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Perfectly Times Pics

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Political Cartoons-Halloween Occupy Wallstreet

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Political Cartoons-Halloween Occupy Wallstreet

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Blog Chain - Monster Mash

    Matt got to choose this round's topic, and he came up with a fun one :D

    What is your all-time favorite monster?

    At first glance, this seems like an easy question. But it really wasn't LOL See, I have different favorite monsters for all occasions. If I'm going to go with what has scared me the most for the longest amount of time, I'd probably have to say ghosts.

    I reserve the right to change my mind should something more terrifying show up, but I tend to be really freaked out by things that I can't see. I mean, a big ol' yeti or something might scare my hair white, but at least I can see it coming at me. Plus, I'm pretty sure the other monsters don't exist (or if they do, they aren't bugging me). But I live in a very, very old house next to a 200 yr old cemetery and sometimes....well, let's just say weird things happen. And weird things have happened to other people I know. So...yeah...*shudder*

    The monster to scare me most recently - Skinwalkers. This one is courtesy of the lovely Bethany Wiggins who regaled me with tales of these terrifying creatures while she was writing her book Shifting. Add to that the fact that we lived in the region where these creatures live, there were many locals who claimed to have seen them (and not just superstitious grannies...I'm talking big, burly oil workers who refused to drive down certain stretches of road because the last time they did something they thought was a man dropped to all fours and loped along beside their car...that was doing 40+ miles an hour), and the fact that I lived out in the middle of nowhere and my husband was frequently out of town for work (and Bethany liked to tell me that every noise I heard was probably a skinwalker LOL) - and yeah....*shudder*

    Then there are the monsters of the cute, cuddly variety. The ones that make you say awwww more often than AHHH!!! Like these two:

    But, I guess if I'm going to pick my all time favorite, my "go-to" monster, the one I've got dozens of books and movies on, I'm going to have to go with the vampire. I even took a class on vampires in grad school (and wrote a paper called "From Van Helsing to Buffy". It rocked, if I do say so myself) ;-) It was so much fun :D Vampires are seriously cool though. I mean they run the gambit from terrifying undead monsters to these handsome hotties:

    Gotta love the versatility. Just sayin' ;-)

    What is your favorite monster?

    Be sure to head over to PK's blog to see what creature she most loves and stay tuned tomorrow to find out what's hiding in Tere's closet :D

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Blog Chain - Monster Mash

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Winter Desktop Backgrounds Mac

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Winter Christmas Wallpapers Backgrounds

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Winter Christmas Backgrounds for Desktop

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Winter Christmas Backgrounds for Desktop

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Friday Funnies

    Nanowrimo jokes were found on Danyelle Ferguson's blog - they were written by her husband. To check out her blog and/or see the original post, Click HERE.

    "Knock Knock"
    "Who's there?"
    "Write who?"
    "Uhm, yeah. You already said that. Write who?"
    "Exactly, write whatever."

     A salesman walked up to a Nanowrimo participant's house and rang the doorbell. No one answered.

    A Nanowrimo participant and her daughter were out trick or treating. A man opened the door and said to the little girl, "What are you supposed to be?"
    "A ballerina," she said as she twirled in a circle. He dropped a piece of candy in her bag.
    "And what are you supposed to be?" he asked the older woman who was wearing vampire teeth, had quotes pinned to her shirt, and was carrying a dictionary.
    "I'm the Word Count," the woman said with a thick, fake accent.
     "Aren't you a little old to be trick or treating?"
    "Probably, but I'm going to need all the chocolate I can get."

    Question: Three people were sitting at the library with their laptops. The first was typing away furiously the screen filling with words, many of them with red, squiggly lines underneath them. The second glared at a mostly blank screen with bloodshot eyes. The third typed a few words, then got up and browsed the shelves for a long time before returning and typing a few more words. Which one is the true Nano participant? 

    Answer: All of them.

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Friday Funnies

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wedding Hairstyles

    When you choose your wedding hairstyles there are some point to consider. First, what type of gown you are going to wear? Is it formal or casual, formal or grandeur?  Then, the length of your hair and whether you would want veil or head piece. Would you like and up do or you want to flaunt your million dollar hair to be your only jewelery? There are a myriad of choices for you to choose.
    Woman Wedding Hairstyles
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    Discuss with your hairstylist which wedding hairstyles will look the best in your most special day. It is good to start special treatment like hair spa and deep conditioning to make your hair looking healthy, shiny and easy to style. Choose head piece that complement your wedding gown and your wedding hairstyles.

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Wedding Hairstyles

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Winter Christmas Backgrounds for Desktop

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Women Hairstyles

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Women Hairstyles

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