Saturday, August 14, 2010

Blog Chain: Wasssup?

    For this round of the blog chain, my very sweet and sassy friend, Cole Gibsen, wants to know:

    Are you querying? Gearing up to go on submission? Writing? Revising? I'd love to hear what's new with you. And if you'd like to share a snippet of your WIP, even better!

    Well, as I predicted a last week, my epic WIP spurt (2 novels, a novel in verse, and everything else I had going on) was impossible to maintain. So, I have narrowed my focus mainly to one novel, a YA historical. I don't want to say too much about it because it's in the very early stages. Bare bones - it's about 3 sisters who find themselves in dire straits and go to extreme measures to better their situation. There's danger, a treasure hunt, a bit of action, a bit of humor (I hope), and of course, as this is me we are talking about, a healthy dose of romance :D

    I do also work on the novel in verse from time to time (you can read excerpts of that HERE and HERE), whenever the mood strikes me or if I just want something fun to do. I am writing that one by hand and I enjoy sitting on the couch with my pen and paper and getting all the words I want in the right order. Kind of like doing a crossword puzzle. Good times. :D Oh, and I want to get revisions going on my last novel...but that will probably wait until my kids start back at school and I actually have a nice chunk of time every day to work on all this.

    In my non-fiction world, my manuscript is with my editor at the moment, so I am anxiously waiting to hear what she says. I am totally up for revisions on it, but it is nice to have a NF break for a little bit LOL

    I have been slowly working on getting proposals ready for my next two non-fiction books as well. One is almost complete, the other is just a page of notes. I tend to work on these when I'm sick of everything else or just plain stuck. Though I do want them finished in the next few months, definitely by the end of the year.

    But, for the most part, I am working on the YA historical, and really having fun with it. I'm not quite ready to post anything from it yet though :)

    Be sure to check out the fabulous Laura's projects from yesterday and stop by the awesome Shaun's blog to find out what he's up to tomorrow :)

    How about everyone else? What are you all up to?

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Blog Chain: Wasssup?

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