Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Haunted Contest!

    Jessica Verday's The Haunted, sequel to The Hollow, is finally here! To celebrate, I will be giving away a copy of either The Haunted or The Hollow (whichever you'd prefer).

    To Enter:
    Just leave a comment ON THIS POST and you are entered! Be sure to tell me how many points you have :)

    Extra entry opportunities:
    Blog, Facebook, Tweet about it - 1 extra entry each
    "Like" The Haunted fanpage - 1 extra entry
    "Like" The Hollow fanpage - 1 extra entry
    "Like" my Author Page - 1 extra entry

    The contest will end this Friday, the 3rd at 11:59 EST (and international readers are more than welcome to enter!) :)

    *I can get the book signed but it may take a while as Jess is crazy busy for the next couple months touring with her book*

    Good luck to everyone and HUGE CONGRATS for Jess!!!!

    Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders

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A Haunted Contest!

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday Meltdown

    Okay, so I had a bit of a rough day yesterday. I had to play a piano piece (accompanying a young lady who was singing). I practiced this song till my fingers ached. I played it perfectly (well, very well at least). I was nervous (as I always am going in front of a crowd), but I was prepared, I had worked hard, I was ready, I knew this song in my sleep (literally, the tune is still running through my head).......

    I get up to play.......

    I BOMB. Holy cow, choke city. I don't know what happened, but I'm pretty sure after the intro, I missed the whole first page. The second page got some play time, but the top of the third page for sure was MIA....I think I salvaged enough to finish the third page and end the poor thing. Oooo and I DID hit the final note perfectly, which is good since that is the one that is sustained with no singer's voice to cover it up.

    But man, was I steamed! Furious! I'm still fuming!!! (my husband and father say whining, but tomato toMAHto right)

    I am just so irritated that I psyched myself out and was so nervous that I flushed a month of hard work right down the drain. I can't fix it. I can't hit rewind or tell everyone to sit their butts back down because I'm going to pound those keys until the notes come out right (dangit!) - but man, I'd like to.

    The good thing that's come out of this: I swear if I ever let my nerves get the best of me again I'll chop my fingers off and beat myself with them. I am DETERMINED I will NEVER let me get the better of myself again. And not just when it comes to playing piano for a room full of people.

    The next time I query, submit to publishers, send off anything anywhere, I'll work hard, I'll get my manuscript polished up, I'll do my homework, and when it comes time to send off my work I'm not going to hesitate. I'm not going to second guess myself and work myself into such a state of nervous energy that I can barely think (it was bad, ya'all....at one point I looked at the notes on the paper and seriously could not translate them into what key I was supposed to push....k, it's kinda funny now....)


    Oh no, I'm going to have some confidence in myself even if I have to fake it until I make it, pretend until I hit send, pray until it pays (you get the point) :D

    P.s. seriously, am I the only one out there that gets clobbered by their nerves? I'm kind of wishing there was a video of this because it can't REALLY be as bad as I'm remembering it....can it?


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Monday Meltdown

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Howl at the Moon

    Trying my hand at digital painting.....not a great job but not bad for a couple of hours of doodling.

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Howl at the Moon

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Who Moves the Cheese Painting

    I was messing around just painting with CS and came up with this little picture. I was working on it a thought…..all those folks out there wondering “Who moved my cheese?” I thought it would be nice if there was a face or character that answered the question. What an evil little mouse. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Who Moves the Cheese Painting

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Emo Girls Long Emo Hairstyles with Highlights

    Hot Emo Girls Long Emo Hairstyles with Highlights - Check out some of the latest emo hairstyles for young beautiful girls in 2010 to try out the highlights like brown, purple, blonde and other colors to look more emo and funky.

    Emo Girls Long Emo Hairstyles with HighlightsEmo Girls Long Emo Hairstyles with Highlights

    Emo Girls Long Emo Hairstyles with HighlightsEmo Girls Long Emo Hairstyles with Highlights

    Emo Girls Long Emo Hairstyles with HighlightsEmo Girls Long Emo Hairstyles with Highlights

    Emo Girls Long Emo Hairstyles with HighlightsEmo Girls Long Emo Hairstyles with Highlights

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Emo Girls Long Emo Hairstyles with Highlights

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Emo Hairstyles for Spring Summer 2010

    Emo Hairstyles for Spring Summer 2010Emo Hairstyles for Spring Summer 2010

    We really can't point at one hairstyle for emo girls and say “This is true Emo Hairstyle,” because one of the most important things in being Emo is to be individual as much as you can be. But then again there are some basic elements you should keep in mind. First and very important:

    Emo Hairstyles for Spring Summer 2010Emo Hairstyles for Spring Summer 2010

    Be sure to grow your hair all out; by doing this you'll manage to cover large part of your face. After your hair is big enough you can, dye it black or blonde (the most popular emo girls colors).
    Then straightening your hair is also not a bad idea, you can do this with the help of hair-straightener and then there is the final step; style your Emo Hair.

    By doing that you'll achieve your unique individuality. There are many ways to style your Emo Hair, you just need some imagination, you can also use some hair accessories such as butterfly clips or hair bands! Good luck with your new Emo Hair!

    Emo Hairstyles for Spring Summer 2010Emo Hairstyles for Spring Summer 2010

    Emo Hairstyles for Spring Summer 2010Emo Hairstyles for Spring Summer 2010

    Emo Hairstyles for Spring Summer 2010Emo Hairstyles for Spring Summer 2010

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Emo Hairstyles for Spring Summer 2010

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2010 Straight Emo Hairstyles for Emo Guys

    To enhance the hairstyle, one can enjoy highlights to hair with attractive colors like blue, green, purple and brown to name a few. In case you like shaggy hairstyle, emo hairstyle is the best cut for cool look. For all those who have straight hairs, emo looks simply the best in comparison to curly hair.

    Black Emo Hair for Boys

    Black Emo Hair for Boys

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2010 Straight Emo Hairstyles for Emo Guys

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Friday Funnies

    Many people hear voices when no one is there. Some of them are called mad and are shut up in rooms where they stare at the walls all day. Others are called writers and they do pretty much the same thing.
    — Meg Chittenden 

    Writing is pretty crummy on the nerves. 
    — Paul Theroux

    There are few things, apparently, more helpful to a writer than having once been a weird little kid. 
    — Katherine Paterson 

    When he was nine, he protested. "Everybody else in my class stays up until nine or ten o'clock," he said. "How come I go to bed at 6:30?" And I said, "Because your mother writes." We made a deal. He could stay up, but he couldn't interrupt me unless he was bleeding to death or the house was on fire. I emerged at 9:30 or 10:00 every night, gave him a kiss, and tucked him in. 
    — Karen Swenson

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Friday Funnies

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

2010 Emo Haircuts - Emo Girls Hairstyles

    This time Emo hairstyles will present some great emo girl hairstyles. We'll present emo hairs in various color and lenght combinations. Hope you'll like this emo hairstyles!

    2010 Emo Haircuts - Emo Girls Hairstyles2010 Emo Haircuts - Emo Girls Hairstyles

    2010 Emo Haircuts - Emo Girls Hairstyles2010 Emo Haircuts - Emo Girls Hairstyles

    2010 Emo Haircuts - Emo Girls Hairstyles2010 Emo Haircuts - Emo Girls Hairstyles

    2010 Emo Haircuts - Emo Girls Hairstyles2010 Emo Haircuts - Emo Girls Hairstyles

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2010 Emo Haircuts - Emo Girls Hairstyles

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Long Emo Hairstyle with Side Swept Bangs

    Emo Hairstyle with side swept bangs look good on any teen girl and gives her a glamourous emo look to be like a real emo girl who follows the latest emo fashion trends.

    Long Emo Hairstyle with Side Swept BangsLong Emo Hairstyle with Side Swept Bangs

    Long Emo Hairstyle with Side Swept BangsLong Emo Hairstyle with Side Swept Bangs

    Long Emo Hairstyle with Side Swept BangsLong Emo Hairstyle with Side Swept Bangs

    Long Emo Hairstyle with Side Swept BangsLong Emo Hairstyle with Side Swept Bangs

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Long Emo Hairstyle with Side Swept Bangs

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Thirty Word Thursday - Another Way to Describe

    Sometimes I can better describe a person by another person's reaction. In...my first book, I couldn't think of a way to 
    sufficiently describe the charisma of a certain boy, 
    so the narrator says, "I knew girls who saved his gum."  
    — Amy Hempel 

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Thirty Word Thursday - Another Way to Describe

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Winter 2009 Long Emo Hairstyles for Emo Girls

    Here are some great examples of long emo hairstyles for girls. Just remember one easy tip: Emo Hair can be worn black, dark brown, blond, or any other color - as long as your emo haire is expressive!!

    Winter 2009 Long Emo Hairstyles for Emo Girls

    EMO haires For Long hair Girl Emo Haires

    Long hair Girl Emo Hairstyles

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Winter 2009 Long Emo Hairstyles for Emo Girls

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Long Emo Haircuts for Girls - 2009 Winter Emo Fashion

    If you want an amazing emo hairstyle you got to love the colors and if you trying too find Just right hair style for You Came to the right Place.Or you want too keep your hair natural color not too dark not too light......You Came to the right Place

    Not many people could pull that off so if your wondering if you can......if you wonder if it is even"emo-ish"just look at the this gallery of long emo hairstyles:

    Long Emo Haircuts for Girls - 2009 Winter Emo Fashion

    Emo Hairstyle for Girls with Long hair

    Emo Girls long emo hairstyle black colored

    2009 Long emo hairstyles for Girls

    Emo Girl with long hairstyle for 2009

    Long Emo haircuts for asian Girls

    Emo hairstyle for Girls with long hair

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Long Emo Haircuts for Girls - 2009 Winter Emo Fashion

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Cool Emo Boys Hair Styles Pictures 2009

    Usually Emo hair covers most of your face. By doing so you express all the suffering and sad emotional state that you are in. In most cases emo hair usually fall down on the front of your face but this could become a problem in winter months. So if you still want to wear some great emo hair and feel comfortable in winter here are some great examples and suggestions for your brand new Winter 2009 Emo hairstyle.

    Cool Emo Boys Hair Styles Pictures 2009

    Cool Emo Boys Hair Styles Pictures 2009

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Cool Emo Boys Hair Styles Pictures 2009

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Blog Chain - Worth the Hassle

    This round of the ol' chain was started by our awesome Eric, who wants to know:

    What do you find to be the most challenging aspect of being a writer? What is your greatest reward from writing?

    Fabulous question. There are a lot of things about being a writer that are hard. Juggling writing with kids and family and jobs, dodging queries, revisions, edits, revisions, bleeding-red critiques, more revisions, W.A.I.T.I.N.G., querying, submitting, pressure, and all that other wonderful stuff that comes with the territory.

    But for me, the hardest part is actually FINISHING.

    I'm great at ideas. Great at starting a project. This is why I have 4 or 5 novels with three or four chapters a piece, two finished novels in various stages of revisions (for the 100th time), two half written non-fiction proposals (one of those accompanying a half written NF book), a barely begun novel in verse, and half a dozen or so picture books.

    Christine always tells me I'm spinning. LOL I just have a really hard time sitting down and focusing on one project long enough to finish it. I really don't know why this is. I'll think about my WIP all day long, have tons of ideas I want to implement, scenes shooting through my head that I can't wait to get down...but when I go to actually work on all that, I generally pull up my files and then sit and think....and then check my email....and then peek at Facebook real quick....and then get distracted by my kids or husband or that cute movie on HBO I really wanted to see. Something always comes up.

    It's kind of like exercise. I really want to do it. I can visualize the incredible end result if I keep it up. I enjoy it while I'm doing it and feel spectacular when I'm done. It's just getting myself to apply butt to chair and fingers to keys that sometimes evades me.

    I think this is why I work so well under a deadline :) I'm literally FORCED to work. I enjoy every second, don't get me wrong. But yeah, I do better with the cattle prod approach :)

    My greatest reward? Well, I won't lie - getting a agent and selling my book were pretty awesome rewards. Seeing it on a book shelf will be even more cool, I'm sure. But really, the thing I love more than anything is sending someone something I wrote and having them say, "OMG! I LOVE this! Send me more!" or "I am loving this so much I stayed up until 1am. I couldn't put it down!" or "Hurry up and finish! I can't wait to find out what happens, you're killing me!" or "My professor gave me an A on my paper and said it was the best paper she'd read all year!"

    Hands down, nothing beats that. There is nothing more rewarding for me than experiencing the pleasure other people find in reading my work or knowing that I helped someone pass their class or write an awesome paper. Absolutely nothing tops that for me.

    How about you? What do you find difficult about being a writer? Anyone out there want to challenge me for the Procrastination Championship? I betcha I'd win :D What do you love about being a writer? What keeps you on this crazy roller coaster?

    Don't forget to go back and see what Laura had to say about being a writer and stop by Shaun's tomorrow to see what he both loves and struggles with :)

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Blog Chain - Worth the Hassle

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Editorial Cartoon: Financial Reform Bill

    An editorial cartoon about the new Financial Reform Bill in laymen’s terms.

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Editorial Cartoon: Financial Reform Bill

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Ten Word (plus a few) Tuesday

    Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. 
    — Scott Adams 

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Ten Word (plus a few) Tuesday

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Monday, August 23, 2010

My Pot Boileth Over

    I was talking to my dad yesterday, jabbering on about how happy I was to have completed another chapter in my new book and he said something along the lines of "I don't get how writers can just sit down and start writing. How do you go from cleaning the house to just sitting down and writing?"

    I wasn't sure what to tell him for a second. Because the short answer is - you just do :D I did say that I try to treat writing like a real job. I'm on summer hours now, but once the kids are in school, I'll have a more set schedule of hours that will be exclusively for writing. But that still doesn't answer his question. Because he wanted to know how I could look at the clock, say "time to write" and just sit down and do it. How did I flip the switch mom/wife/whatever else to writer?

    After I thought about it longer, I think it's because my stories are always bubbling right below the surface. I don't ever stop thinking of storylines and plot twists and characters and settings and scenes (or new chapters or tips or sections or books for NF). Even when I'm thinking of or doing other things, my projects are still there, just waiting for me to pay attention to them.

    I don't ever stop being a writer just because I'm also being a mom, a wife, a pianist, a tutor, a referee, a maid, a nanny, a chef (albeit a bad one), a Sunday School teacher, an editor, a sister, an aunt, a daughter, or a friend. The writer in me never goes away.

    So when I sit down to write, no matter what else I've done that day or just finished doing, it doesn't take too much effort to get back into the project at hand. Sometimes it needs a little coaxing, a minute or so while I reorient myself. But generally I find, even if I'm not in the mood to write, if I sit down and just start reading what I've already written, the project comes alive again. I find an error that needs fixing or a new scene or solution presents itself and I get sucked right back in.

    It's not so much flipping a switch as taking the cover off a boiling pot. The water is boiling whether I'm paying attention to it or not (p.s. boiling water and I don't get along...mostly because I do have a habit of not paying attention to it) :D

    How does it work for you? Can you go from being a "normal" person to writer person at the drop of a hat? Or do you need some time to acclimate?

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My Pot Boileth Over

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cool Emo Guys Hairstyles Trends

    emo guyscool emo hairstyle for boys

    emo guys cool emo guy

    emo guysCool Emo Guys Hairstyles Trends

    emo guys cute emo boy

    emo boys Cool Emo Guys Hairstyles Trends

    emo boys fashion guy

    emo boysCool Emo Guys Hairstyles Trends

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Cool Emo Guys Hairstyles Trends

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Pink Emo Hairstyle For Girls

    Pink emo hairstyle for girls

    Pink emo hairstyle

    girl with pink haircuts, with pink shirt, looks so hot!

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Pink Emo Hairstyle For Girls

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Black Long Emo Girl Haircuts

    Black Long Emo Girl Haircuts

    emo Scene girl with long black hairwidth=

    emo Scene girl with long black hair

    emo girl hairstyle

    Black Long Emo Girl Haircuts

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Black Long Emo Girl Haircuts

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